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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 10
12/04 22:15:18

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Question 28: A. goes
B. flies
C. passes
D. walks
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions
People used to know more or less how their children would live. Now things are changing so quickly that
they don't even know what their own lives will be like in a few years' time. What follows is not science fiction.
It is how experts see the future. You are daydreaming behind the steering wheel; is it too dangerous? No! That's
no problem because you have it on automatic pilot, and with its hi-tech computers and cameras, your car "know"
how to get you home safe and sound.
What is for lunch? In the old days you used to stop off to buy a hamburger or a pizza. Now you use your
diagnostic machine to find out which foods your body needs. If your body needs more vegetables and less fat,
your food-preparation machine makes you a salad.
After lunch, you go down the hall to your home office. Here you have everything you need to do your
work. Thanks to your information screen and your latest generation computer, you needn't go to the office any
more. The information screen shows an urgent message from a co-worker in Brazil. You can instantly send back
a reply to him and go on to deal with other matters.
Question 29: The passage mainly discuss about
A. the pace of life in the future
C. what the life is like in the future
B. food that people will eat in the future
D. the role of the computer in future life
Question 30: According to the passage, people in the future
A. usually have daydreams while driving
C. won't need to work for living
B. will have a balanced diet for their meals
D. will be much lazier
Question 31: The word "it" in the second paragraph refers to _.
A. the future
B. the car
Question 32: With the help of high technology, you can
C. the steering wheel D. automatic pilot
A. work at home without going to the office B. have everything you need to do your work
C. work and travel quickly
D. deal with a lot of matters at the same time
Question 33: Which of the following is NOT true about life in the future?
A. There's no need to concentrate much when driving
B. Eating is a problem because food contains too much fat
C. Getting information is a matter of just a few seconds
D. Contacts between people are almost instant
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
12/04 22:17:36
+5đ tặng
Question 28: C. passes
Question 29: D. the role of the computer in future life
Question 30: B. will have a balanced diet for their meals
Question 31: B. the car
Question 32: A. work at home without going to the office
Question 33: B. Eating is a problem because food contains too much fat

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