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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
23/04 20:12:51

Write about 170-200 words about how family member do to share the household chores

Write about 170-200 words about how family member do to share the household chores
3 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
In many families, sharing household chores is a team effort that helps to keep the household running smoothly and efficiently. Each family member typically has their own set of responsibilities and tasks that they are expected to complete on a regular basis.

For example, parents may be in charge of cooking meals, doing the grocery shopping, and paying bills, while children may be responsible for cleaning their rooms, doing the dishes, and taking out the trash. Older children may also help with more complex tasks such as laundry, mowing the lawn, or caring for younger siblings.

To ensure that everyone is contributing fairly, many families create chore charts or schedules that outline who is responsible for which tasks and when they need to be completed. This helps to prevent any misunderstandings or arguments about who should be doing what.

Additionally, some families may choose to rotate chores on a weekly or monthly basis so that everyone gets a chance to do different tasks and no one feels like they are always stuck with the same responsibilities.

Overall, sharing household chores is an important way for family members to work together, build teamwork skills, and create a sense of responsibility and accountability within the household.
Tiến Dũng
23/04 20:13:49
+5đ tặng
My family is aware how difficult it is to do all the housework alone so we always have a good cooperation in doing household chores. Although we are busy every day, we split the household chores equally. My dad is the strongest person in the house, so his responsibility includes washes the motorbike, repaints things, fixes electric devices and does the heavy lifting. My mom is an English teacher in a secondary school in the afternoon, so in the morning she usually cleans the floor, irons the clothes, shops for grocery and does the cooking. In the evening she cooks dinner and cleans the kitchen. In my daily routine, I sweep and clean the floor, do the laundry and do the dishes. I also shower and feed the cat. Whenever I have a problem with difficult assignments, doing housework will help me reduce stress. So I really enjoy doing household chores. You can see my family sharing the housework equally. I feel very happy to be with my family.

Mở khóa để xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời

Bạn đã đạt đến giới hạn của mình. Bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản, bạn có thể xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời
Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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23/04 20:15:15
+4đ tặng

In many families, everyone helps out with chores around the house to keep things running smoothly. Each family member has certain tasks they do regularly to keep the home tidy and functional.

Parents often take care of important tasks like paying bills and fixing things that break. They might also handle grocery shopping and cooking meals for the family.

Kids help by doing simpler jobs like cleaning their rooms, setting the table for meals, and helping with dishes or laundry. These tasks are usually based on what they can handle and their age.

Families talk about who does what to make sure everyone's responsibilities are fair. Sometimes they use charts or schedules to keep track of chores and make sure everyone knows what they need to do.

If someone in the family is really busy one week, others might step in to help with their chores. This teamwork helps everyone feel supported and teaches kids important skills like responsibility and working together.

Sharing chores is a good way for families to keep the house organized and for everyone to feel like they're contributing. It's all about teamwork and making sure everyone does their part to make the home a nice place to be.

maianhxg trần
23/04 20:18:04
+3đ tặng
In my family, sharing housework is a collective effort, everyone contributes to making the house run smoothly. We believe in the importance of sharing responsibilities, which not only helps reduce workload but also fosters a spirit of solidarity and cooperation among family members. From cleaning and cooking to shopping and laundry, everyone plays a role in maintaining their family. My father often takes on the heavy work in the house, sometimes even preparing dinner. My mother is mainly responsible for cooking and going to the market to buy food. My sister is the one who helps my mother cook lunch and dinner as well as do the laundry. Meanwhile, my duty is to wash dishes and take out the trash. We always try to support each other and housework becomes easier thanks to this division of responsibilities. We establish a rotating duty schedule, ensuring that no one is burdened with work. This practice not only keeps our homes tidy but also allows us to spend quality time together, strengthening family bonds. Overall, in my family, a fair division of housework is key to arranging our harmonious lives.

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