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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 11
09/05 22:34:37
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How to conserve wildlife


What/the purpose/ notice?

2. How many/ ways/ we/ help/conserve/ wildlife?

3. Why/we/need/ follow/ these ways?


What way(s)/ students/do/protect/ these wildlife animals?

Which one/ the most important? Why?




Illegal wildlife trade and habitat loss are leading causes of decline in wildlife species. Find out more about this issue and raise awareness in your community.


Wildlife and wildlife products are used for gifts food and medicine Find out the facts before purchasing ar consuming these products


Mentor and create this generations conservationists by involving young people

in your activities


Approximately 15% of the Earth's surface is protected. Explore these national parks muerine protected areas and wildlife sanctuaries and be inspired


Reducing your carbon footprint through actions like planting trees, or avoiding plastic can help protect habitats and our species
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
1. The purpose of these ways is to help conserve wildlife by raising awareness, reducing demand for wildlife products, inspiring youth to get involved in conservation efforts, visiting national parks to appreciate and protect wildlife, and making individual efforts to reduce our impact on the environment.

2. There are five ways we can help conserve wildlife: raising awareness, reducing demand for wildlife products, inspiring youth, visiting national parks, and making individual efforts to reduce our carbon footprint.

3. We need to follow these ways to help protect wildlife species from decline due to illegal wildlife trade and habitat loss. By raising awareness, reducing demand for wildlife products, inspiring youth, visiting national parks, and making individual efforts, we can make a positive impact on conservation efforts.

4. Students can protect wildlife animals by raising awareness in their schools and communities, educating others about the importance of conservation, participating in conservation activities, and advocating for wildlife protection. The most important way for students to protect wildlife is to inspire youth and involve young people in conservation efforts, as they are the future conservationists who will continue to protect wildlife species.

5. Every effort counts in conserving wildlife. By taking actions like planting trees, avoiding plastic, reducing our carbon footprint, and supporting conservation efforts, we can help protect habitats and wildlife species for future generations.

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