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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
19/05 15:58:50

Use a word/phrase to complete the following

Mn giúp mik vs ạ!
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Practice 1: Use a word/phrase to complete the following
skin condition - sunburn - chapped - acne - colored vegetables - soft drinks - fit
1. We should eat some.....like carrots and tomatoes.
2. .....are not good for your health.
3. My parents go cycling every Sunday. It helps keep them.....
4. The weather may affect our.....
5. When we spend a long time in the sun without a hat or suncream we may get.....
Practice 2: Fill each gap with one word given
become - use- face - cause - so - distress - avoid - though
Acne is a skin condition that is commonly seen among teenagers, (..1..) it can affect people of all ages. It occurs when hair
follicles under the skin (..2..) clogged with oil and dead skin cells. The condition often appears on the (..3..) and forehead.
Acne can cause emotional (..4..) and scarring of the skin and it may be painful. Factors that (..5..) acne development include
accumulation of dead skin cells, bacterial infection, diet, and stress. It is a good idea to wash the face at least twice a day,
(..6..) irritants, and consult a health expert before starting any treatment.
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Linh xg
19/05 15:59:47
+5đ tặng
Practice 1:
1. colored vegetables
2. Soft drinks
3. fit
4. skin condition
5. sunburn

Practice 2:
1. though
2. become
3. face
4. distress
5. cause
6. so
7. avoid

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Trúc Nguyễn
19/05 16:52:56
+4đ tặng
1. vegetables
2.Soft drinks
3.fit(keep fit : giữ dáng)
4.skin condition
5.sunburn(cháy nắng)
2.become(hình thành)

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