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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
15/06 21:28:33

Đặt câu tiếng anh với các từ sau

Đặt 35 câu với fixed plans / plans.
3 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
Chắc chắn rồi! Dưới đây là 35 câu sử dụng "fixed plans" hoặc "plans":

1. We have fixed plans to visit Paris next summer.
2. Do you have any plans for the weekend?
3. She has fixed plans to start her new job on Monday.
4. Our plans for the holiday are still up in the air.
5. They made fixed plans to celebrate their anniversary in Hawaii.
6. What are your plans after graduation?
7. He has fixed plans to retire at the age of 65.
8. We need to finalize our plans for the project.
9. She has fixed plans to move to New York next month.
10. Are your plans for the evening still on?
11. They have fixed plans to renovate their house this year.
12. What are your plans for the upcoming long weekend?
13. He made fixed plans to attend the conference in Berlin.
14. Our plans for the party are coming together nicely.
15. She has fixed plans to launch her own business.
16. Do you have any travel plans for the summer?
17. They have fixed plans to adopt a child.
18. What are your plans for the holiday season?
19. He has fixed plans to propose to his girlfriend.
20. We need to discuss our plans for the new marketing campaign.
21. She has fixed plans to take a sabbatical next year.
22. Are your plans for the trip confirmed?
23. They made fixed plans to host a family reunion.
24. What are your plans for the rest of the day?
25. He has fixed plans to write a book.
26. We need to adjust our plans due to the weather.
27. She has fixed plans to study abroad.
28. Do you have any plans for your birthday?
29. They have fixed plans to start a charity organization.
30. What are your plans for the weekend getaway?
31. He has fixed plans to run a marathon.
32. We need to coordinate our plans with the other team.
33. She has fixed plans to learn a new language.
34. Are your plans for the business trip finalized?
35. They made fixed plans to celebrate New Year's Eve in Times Square.

Hy vọng những câu này sẽ giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về cách sử dụng "fixed plans" và "plans" trong các ngữ cảnh khác nhau!
Thành Vinh
15/06 21:29:41
+5đ tặng
Fixed plans / plans là một chủ đề trong tiếng Anh để thảo luận về các kế hoạch cố định hoặc kế hoạch trong tương lai. Dưới đây là 35 câu với fixed plans / plans:
1. I plan to visit my grandparents next weekend.
2. She has a fixed plan to study abroad next year.
3. Do you have any plans for the summer vacation?
4. They are planning to buy a new house in the suburbs.
5. What are your plans for the upcoming holiday?
6. We have fixed plans to attend the conference next month.
7. He plans to start his own business after graduation.
8. She has a fixed plan to travel around Europe in the fall.
9. Do you have any plans for the long weekend?
10. They are planning to renovate their kitchen next spring.
11. What are your plans for the New Year's Eve?
12. We have fixed plans to celebrate our anniversary at a fancy restaurant.
13. He plans to take a year off to travel the world.
14. She has a fixed plan to volunteer at the local shelter every weekend.
15. Do you have any plans for your birthday this year?
16. They are planning to adopt a pet from the shelter.
17. What are your plans for the upcoming school year?
18. We have fixed plans to host a family reunion in the summer.
19. He plans to learn a new language in his free time.
20. She has a fixed plan to run a marathon next year.
21. Do you have any plans for the weekend?
22. They are planning to start a community garden in the neighborhood.
23. What are your plans for retirement?
24. We have fixed plans to go camping in the mountains.
25. He plans to take up painting as a hobby.
26. She has a fixed plan to save money for a down payment on a house.
27. Do you have any plans for the holiday season?
28. They are planning to host a charity event for a good cause.
29. What are your plans for the summer break?
30. We have fixed plans to attend a music festival next month.
31. He plans to pursue a master's degree in the future.
32. She has a fixed plan to start a book club with her friends.
33. Do you have any plans for the upcoming long weekend?
34. They are planning to go on a road trip across the country.
35. What are your plans for the future career-wise?

Mở khóa để xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời

Bạn đã đạt đến giới hạn của mình. Bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản, bạn có thể xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời
Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
Tôi đã có tài khoản? Đăng nhập
15/06 21:30:49
+4đ tặng
1. What are your fixed plans for the weekend?
2. Do you have any plans for the upcoming holiday?
3. Have you made any fixed plans for your summer vacation?
4. I need to finalize my fixed plans for next month.
5. Let's discuss our fixed plans for the project.
6. Do you have any fixed plans for your birthday?
7. My fixed plans for the evening include dinner with friends.
8. What are your fixed plans for the rest of the week?
9. I have some fixed plans for the weekend, but I can make time for you.
10. Let's stick to our fixed plans and not deviate from them.
11. Have you set any fixed plans for your career goals?
12. It's important to have fixed plans in place for emergencies.
13. My fixed plans for the day got disrupted due to unexpected events.
14. I need to adjust my fixed plans to accommodate the new schedule.
15. What are your fixed plans for the upcoming conference?
16. Let's review our fixed plans and make any necessary adjustments.
17. Do you have any fixed plans for your retirement?
18. My fixed plans for the party include decorations and catering.
19. I have some fixed plans for the weekend, but I'm open to suggestions.
20. Let's prioritize our fixed plans to ensure everything gets done.
21. Have you shared your fixed plans with your family?
22. My fixed plans for the project timeline are on track.
23. It's important to communicate your fixed plans with your team.
24. What are your fixed plans for personal development?
25. I need to reevaluate my fixed plans for the year.
26. Let's stick to our fixed plans and not get distracted.
27. Have you considered any fixed plans for your future?
28. My fixed plans for the event include a detailed itinerary.
29. I have some fixed plans for the weekend, but I'm flexible.
30. Let's discuss our fixed plans for the upcoming quarter.
31. What are your fixed plans for the new product launch?
32. Do you have any fixed plans for your health and wellness?
33. My fixed plans for the project budget are well-defined.
34. I need to reassess my fixed plans for the long term.
35. Let's document our fixed plans to keep everyone informed.
Gouu Tduz
15/06 21:36:44
+3đ tặng
We shoud have specific and  fixed plans for this project.
You need to have fixed plans before doing something.

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