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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
20/06 11:18:21

Read the text and answer the questions

Teacher: Oh my god, what happened here? Look at this mess. Who broke this window? Everything was
fine just before the break.
Nancy: I don't know Miss Wilson. I was out in the school canteen with Jennifer. We were drinking
coffee and eating chocolate muffins.
Teacher: What about you, Donald? Where were you during the break and what were you doing?
Donald: Well, I was in the garden with some boys. We were playing hide and seek together.
Teacher: How about you, girls? Were you all in the classroom during the break time?
Dorothy: No, Miss Wilson. I was in the library during the break. I was looking for a biography book
about Thomas Edison, but I couldn't find it.
Amanda: I wasn't in the classroom, either. I was in our maths teacher, Mr. Allen's office. I was talking
to him about the maths project. I needed some help with the presentation.
Teacher: Oh, I see. Stephen, Larry and Katherine?
Stephen: I was crying on the bench under the tree in the garden because I fell down while I was playing
tag with my friends and hurt my knee.
Larry: I was running back home during the break, Miss Wilson. I forgot to take my science notebook
this morning and I went back home and took it.
Katherine: I was in the music room with a few friends. Our music teacher, Mr. Hall was playing the
piano and we were listening to him.
Teacher: Were you sitting in the classroom, Kevin?
Kevin: No, I wasn't. I was in the school lab during the break. I was helping my younger brother and his
classmates with doing an experiment.
Teacher: How about you, Samantha and Bradley? Where were you and what were you doing?
Samantha: I was drawing a picture of the pine tree and the birdhouse near the playground.
Bradley: I was preparing a poster about nature and endangered animals in the library with a group of
friends. We were trying to find some effective slogans.
Teacher: That's so nice, Bradley. I like the idea. I can help you with it if you want. How about you,
Frank? Were you out during the break?
Frank: No, I wasn't, Miss Wilson. Well, I know it's not right, but Ryan and I was playing baseball in the
classroom during the break and I broke the window. I'm so sorry, Miss Wilson.
Ryan: Yes, teacher. We are very sorry. We can have the window glass replaced if you wish.
Teacher: OK, Frank and Ryan. I think I'll need to talk to you and your parents for it.
1. Nancy and Jennifer were in the school canteen during the break, drinking coffee and eating
chocolate muffins.
2. Dorothy was in the classroom during the break, looking for a biography book about Thomas
3. Bradley was preparing a poster about nature and endangered animals in the library with a
group of friends during the break.
4. Frank and Ryan offered to have the window glass replaced if the teacher wished.
5. Kevin was sitting in the classroom during the break.
II. Answer the questions.
1. What were Nancy and Jennifer doing during the break?
2. Where was Larry during the break, and why did he leave?
3. Why was Stephen crying on the bench under the tree?
4. What was Frank doing when he broke the window?
5. Who was playing the piano in the music room?
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2 trả lời
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Quốc Hưng
20/06 11:21:46
+5đ tặng






1,They were drinking coffe and eating chocolate muffins

2.Larry was at home during the break.Because he forgot to take his science notebook

3,Because she fell down while she was playing tag with her friends

4,He was playing baseball in the classroom when he broke the window

5,Mr.Hall was playing the piano in the music room

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Thanh Lâm
20/06 11:22:34
+4đ tặng
  1. Nancy and Jennifer were in the school canteen, drinking coffee and eating chocolate muffins.

    1. Larry was running back home during the break because he forgot to take his science notebook in the morning and went back to get it.
    2. Stephen was crying on the bench under the tree because he fell down while playing tag with his friends and hurt his knee.
    3. Frank was playing baseball in the classroom during the break when he broke the window.
    4. The music teacher, Mr. Hall, was playing the piano in the music room.
Thanh Lâm
chấm mk nhé

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