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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
22/06 22:19:15

Chose the correct answer:

kèm gthic ạ
Chose the correct answer:

1. You are being thoroughly _________in refusing to allow this ceremony to take place.

A. unrequited              B. unrepresentative    C. unreliable               D. unreasonable

2. Nylon, a synthetic ___ from a combination of water, air, and a by­-product of coal, was first introduced in 1938.

A. to make                  B. make                       C. made                       D. making

3.  This dress is eye-catching, and many people________ me on it.

      A. complain                B. complement           C. compliment                       D. complementary

4. Bill is jealous ________ your promotion.

      A. with                        B. of                            C. at                            D. about

5. _______ are sought by an elementary school.

      A. Mentally retarded teachers                                                B. Teachers retarded for mental cases

      C. Teachers for the mentally retarded                                   D. Mental retarded case teachers

6. Since I came in half an hour late this morning, I have to stay until 5:30 to _______ for it.

      A. make up                 B. save up                   C. keep up                   D. hold up

7:  We all believe that a happy marriage should be ___ mutual love.

       A. based on                        B. concerned with          C. confided in                 D. obliged to

8:  According to ___ people, most animal and plant species on earth will soon die out.

       A. optimists                       B. pessimistic                C. pessimists                  D. optimistic

3 trả lời
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Sure, here are the correct answers for each question:

1. You are being thoroughly _________ in refusing to allow this ceremony to take place.
- **D. unreasonable**

2. Nylon, a synthetic ___ from a combination of water, air, and a by-product of coal, was first introduced in 1938.
- **C. made**

3. This dress is eye-catching, and many people ________ me on it.
- **C. compliment**

4. Bill is jealous ________ your promotion.
- **B. of**

5. _______ are sought by an elementary school.
- **C. Teachers for the mentally retarded**

6. Since I came in half an hour late this morning, I have to stay until 5:30 to _______ for it.
- **A. make up**

7. We all believe that a happy marriage should be ___ mutual love.
- **A. based on**

8. According to ___ people, most animal and plant species on earth will soon die out.
- **C. pessimists**
Khánk Ly
22/06 22:20:27
+5đ tặng
  1. Đáp án: D. unreasonable

  2. Đáp án: C. made

  3. Đáp án: C. compliment

  4. Đáp án: B. of

  5. Đáp án: C. Teachers for the mentally retarded

  6. Đáp án: A. make up

  7. Đáp án: A. based on

  8. Đáp án: B. pessimistic

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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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+4đ tặng
Đáp án: D. unreasonable
Đáp án: C. made
Đáp án: C. compliment
Đáp án: B. of
Đáp án: C. Teachers for the mentally retarded
Đáp án: A. make up
Đáp án: A. based on
Đáp án: B. pessimistic
22/06 22:21:24
+3đ tặng
1d 2c 3c 4b 5c 6a 7a 8a

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