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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
27/06 09:15:01

Trong mỗi câu sau có một lỗi sai, tìm và sửa lại cho đúng

Exercise 3: Trong mỗi câu sau có một lỗi sai, tìm và sửa lại cho đúng.

1. Geography are fascinating.

2. Where is my gloves?

3. Each ticket costed $5.

4. The boy with his dog are here.

5. John or Tom are bringing the car.

6. His hair are turning gray.

7. Are there anybody at home?

8. Neither praise nor blame seem to affect him.

9. Three fourths of his fortune were devoted to scientific research.

10. Two-thirds of these books is novels.

11. There are a car and two vans in front of my house.

12. Why is the police standing there?

13. So far everything is all right.

14. More men than women is left-handed.

15. Fifty minutes are the maximum length of time allotted for the exam.

16. None of my classmates speaks Arabic.

17. Every student are tested twice a year.

18. Each of the items in the bill are correct.

19.10 years in prison were too long for him.

20. None of the children were awake.

3 trả lời
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Sure, let's go through each sentence and identify the errors, then correct them:

1. **Error:** "Geography are fascinating."
**Correction:** "Geography is fascinating."

2. **Error:** "Where is my gloves?"
**Correction:** "Where are my gloves?"

3. **Error:** "Each ticket costed $5."
**Correction:** "Each ticket cost $5."

4. **Error:** "The boy with his dog are here."
**Correction:** "The boy with his dog is here."

5. **Error:** "John or Tom are bringing the car."
**Correction:** "John or Tom is bringing the car."

6. **Error:** "His hair are turning gray."
**Correction:** "His hair is turning gray."

7. **Error:** "Are there anybody at home?"
**Correction:** "Is there anybody at home?"

8. **Error:** "Neither praise nor blame seem to affect him."
**Correction:** "Neither praise nor blame seems to affect him."

9. **Error:** "Three fourths of his fortune were devoted to scientific research."
**Correction:** "Three fourths of his fortune was devoted to scientific research."

10. **Error:** "Two-thirds of these books is novels."
**Correction:** "Two-thirds of these books are novels."

11. **Error:** "There are a car and two vans in front of my house."
**Correction:** "There is a car and two vans in front of my house."

12. **Error:** "Why is the police standing there?"
**Correction:** "Why are the police standing there?"

13. **Error:** "So far everything is all right."
**Correction:** This sentence is actually correct as it is.

14. **Error:** "More men than women is left-handed."
**Correction:** "More men than women are left-handed."

15. **Error:** "Fifty minutes are the maximum length of time allotted for the exam."
**Correction:** "Fifty minutes is the maximum length of time allotted for the exam."

16. **Error:** "None of my classmates speaks Arabic."
**Correction:** This sentence is actually correct as it is.

17. **Error:** "Every student are tested twice a year."
**Correction:** "Every student is tested twice a year."

18. **Error:** "Each of the items in the bill are correct."
**Correction:** "Each of the items in the bill is correct."

19. **Error:** "10 years in prison were too long for him."
**Correction:** "10 years in prison was too long for him."

20. **Error:** "None of the children were awake."
**Correction:** "None of the children was awake."


1. "Geography" is a singular noun, so it takes "is."
2. "Gloves" is plural, so it takes "are."
3. "Cost" is the correct past tense form of "cost."
4. The subject "The boy with his dog" is singular, so it takes "is."
5. When subjects are connected by "or," the verb agrees with the nearest subject, which is singular "Tom."
6. "Hair" is considered singular when referring to all the hair on one's head.
7. "Anybody" is singular, so it takes "is."
8. "Neither...nor" constructs take a singular verb.
9. "Three fourths" is considered a singular fraction of "fortune."
10. "Books" is plural, so it takes "are."
11. The subject closest to the verb "There is" is "a car," which is singular.
12. "Police" is a collective noun and takes a plural verb.
13. This sentence is correct as it stands.
14. "Men" and "women" are plural, so the verb should be "are."
15. "Fifty minutes" is considered a singular period of time.
16. This sentence is correct as it stands.
17. "Every student" is singular, so it takes "is."
18. "Each" is singular, so it takes "is."
19. "10 years" is considered a singular period of time.
20. "None" can be singular or plural, but in this context, "was" is more appropriate.
+5đ tặng
Geography is fascinating.
Where are my gloves?
Each ticket is worth $5.
The boy with the dog is here.
Either John or Tom will bring the car.
His hair turned gray.
Is anybody at home? (Yes) / nothing happened.
Praise or criticism doesn't seem to affect him at all.
Three-quarters of its assets are devoted to scientific research.
Two-thirds of these books are novels.
There is a car and two trucks in front of my house.
Why are the police standing there?
Everything so far has been fine.
More men than women are left-handed.
The maximum time allowed for the test is 50 minutes.
None of the children in my class spoke Arabic.
All students are tested twice a year.
Every item in the invoice is correct.
Ten years in prison is too long for him.
No children woke up.

Mở khóa để xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời

Bạn đã đạt đến giới hạn của mình. Bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản, bạn có thể xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời
Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
Tôi đã có tài khoản? Đăng nhập
27/06 09:16:55
+4đ tặng

1. Geography are fasscinating => Is fascinating

2. Where is my gloves? => ... are ... glove?

3. Each ticket cost $5. => Đúng

4. The boy with his dog are here. => Is

5. John or Tom bringing the car. => And

6. His hair are turning gray. => Is

7. Are there anybody at home? => Is

8. Neither praise nor blame seem to affect him. => Seem

9. Three fourths of his fortune were devoted to scientific reseach. => ...was...research

10. Two-thirds of these books is novels. => Are

11. There are a car and two vans in front of my house. => Đúng

12. Why is the police standing there? => Đúng

13. So far everything are all right. => Is

14. More men than women is left-handed. => Are

15. Fifty minutes are the maximum length of time allotted for the exam. => Is

16. None of my classmates speaks Arabic. => Speak

17. Every student are tested twice a year. => Is

18. Each of the items in the bill are correct. => Is

19. 10 years in prison were too long for him. => Was

20. None of the children were awake. => Đúng


Nguyễn Thư
27/06 10:50:49
+3đ tặng
1. Geography are fascinating.
=> is
2. Where is my gloves?
=> are
3. Each ticket costed $5.
=> cost
4. The boy with his dog are here.
5. John or Tom are bringing the car.
=> and
6. His hair are turning gray.
=> is
7. Are there anybody at home?
=> Is
8. Neither praise nor blame seem to affect him.
=> seems
9. Three fourths of his fortune were devoted to scientific research.
=> was
10. Two-thirds of these books is novels.
=> are
11. There are a car and two vans in front of my house.
=> is
12. Why is the police standing there?
=> không thấy lỗi sai 
13. So far everything is all right.
=> không thấy lỗi sai
14. More men than women is left-handed.
=> are
15. Fifty minutes are the maximum length of time allotted for the exam.
=> is
16. None of my classmates speaks Arabic.
=> speak
17. Every student are tested twice a year.
=> is
18. Each of the items in the bill are correct.
=> is
19.10 years in prison were too long for him.
=> was
20. None of the children were awake.
=> was 

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