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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 12
28/06 21:18:44

Students who are given grades work harder than those who do not. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion

Students who are given grades work harder than those who do not. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
3 trả lời
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The debate over whether students who are given grades work harder than those who do not is a complex one, with valid arguments on both sides. However, I tend to agree with the statement that students who are given grades work harder. Here are some specific reasons and examples to support this opinion:

### Motivation and Accountability
Grades serve as a tangible measure of a student's performance and progress. When students know that their efforts will be quantified and evaluated, they are more likely to put in the necessary work to achieve high marks. This sense of accountability can drive students to study harder, complete assignments on time, and actively participate in class.

**Example:** In a high school setting, students who are aware that their grades will impact their college admissions are often more motivated to excel academically. They are likely to engage in extra study sessions, seek help from teachers, and participate in extracurricular activities to boost their overall profile.

### Goal Setting and Achievement
Grades provide clear goals for students to aim for. When students have specific targets, such as achieving an 'A' in a subject, they are more likely to develop a structured study plan and put in the effort required to meet those goals. This goal-oriented approach can lead to better time management and more effective study habits.

**Example:** In a university course, students who aim for a high GPA are more likely to attend lectures regularly, participate in discussions, and complete all assignments diligently. This focused effort often results in a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

### Feedback and Improvement
Grades offer immediate feedback on a student's performance, highlighting areas of strength and areas needing improvement. This feedback loop is crucial for students to understand their academic standing and to make necessary adjustments in their study strategies.

**Example:** In a math class, a student who receives a low grade on a test can identify specific topics they are struggling with and seek additional help or resources to improve. This targeted effort can lead to better performance in subsequent tests.

### Competition and Peer Influence
Grades can also foster a healthy sense of competition among students. When students see their peers excelling, it can motivate them to work harder to achieve similar or better results. This competitive spirit can drive students to push their limits and strive for excellence.

**Example:** In a competitive academic environment, such as a top-tier high school, students often work harder to outperform their peers. This can lead to a culture of academic excellence where students are continually motivated to improve.

### Counterarguments
While grades can be a strong motivator, it is important to acknowledge that they are not the only factor influencing student effort. Some students may be intrinsically motivated by a love of learning or personal interest in a subject, regardless of whether they receive grades. Additionally, an overemphasis on grades can lead to stress, anxiety, and unhealthy competition.

**Example:** In a project-based learning environment where students are not graded traditionally, some students may still work hard due to their passion for the subject and the intrinsic satisfaction of completing a project.

### Conclusion
In conclusion, while there are exceptions and other motivating factors, grades generally serve as a significant motivator for students to work harder. They provide clear goals, immediate feedback, and a sense of accountability that can drive students to put in the necessary effort to succeed academically. However, it is essential to balance the emphasis on grades with other forms of motivation to ensure a well-rounded and healthy learning experience.
28/06 21:19:27
+5đ tặng
Nowadays, we can observe the skyrocket development of communications between all nations and it causes both negative and positive consequences. In general, I do not really consider it as a problem for humankind. Further I will speculate on the advantages and disadvantages of this statement. First of all, the more we communicate between states the better understanding and decision-making we will achieve. For example, global problems of asian countries like China and Taiwan became discussed only after the invention of television. Secondly, the high rates of tourism in most countries today was caused by well-calculated air travel chains. For instance, but for the air infrastructure of Dubai Emirates all over the world, we would never heard about their region and company. On the other hand, such drastic usage of telecommunications did not give governments enough time to analyse and adopt necessary security measures that is why there are a lot of uncontrolled mass media. The huge number of disinformation and misinformation in all spheres of our life can be considered as example. In addition, some terrorist organisations also got access to remote communication and internet that is make new threats to society. Hence, there was a situation when ISIL activity made a huge affect on American operations in Afghanistan due to the advanced message system that disorganize the US forces. To conclude, I would like to highlight the importance of telecommunication and air travel in our modern life. Despite all the negative terms benefits do have a greater impact. In my opinion, all new technologies that allow us to ease people’s relationships will take place.

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Bạn đã đạt đến giới hạn của mình. Bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản, bạn có thể xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời
Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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+4đ tặng
There is no denying the fact that working hard
is the key
everything .
it is a commonly held belief that
who do not
hard on their
are less than other
working hard in
. In my opinion,
consider that hard
can provide
a great
in the school career.
To begin
with ,hard
to confidence.
In other words
, when how the scores
up that can
you the confidence that you are capable
to do
the hard tasks.
In addition
, the more you practice hard
, the easier everything becomes.
For example
, math is difficult ,at first you will face some problems you can not solve, so you
all your hard

it and
later you become much better
that is

example of working hard. Another point to consider, going to good companies it is
possible to say that when the company knows that you will
hard for the sake of the company because of
feature, you will be concerned.
respect among the
For instance
. When other
see how you
so hard to get
a good
, there will be a chance to get their respect and to be their role- model . In conclusion,
people having different views,
believe that hard
can get you a lot of upsides respect, power,and
job which can reward you for your hard
Quỳnh Anh
28/06 21:19:51
+3đ tặng

to distinguish themselves from their peers.

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