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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
03/07 12:55:16

Read the following passage and choose A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answers to the questions

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
X. Read the following passage and choose A, B, C, or D to indicate the
correct answers to the questions.
Tan Cuong tea is a renowned specialty from Thai Nguyen, situated 75 kilometers
north of Ha Noi. Among the tea-growing places in this province, Tan Cuong Commune
stands out as the prime area for tea leaves and related products.
Tan Cuong Tea is one of the most exceptional tea products from this region. What
makes it unique is the method of nurturing tea trees with organic fertilizer, ensuring
they are free from harmful pesticide or chemical residues. The tea leaves are
harvested using traditional methods. Carefully picked green tea buds from the trees
are stored to maintain their quality before they are sent to the factory for processing.
In recent years, Thai Nguyen Province has implemented various strategies to
support businesses, cooperatives, and farmers involved in tea cultivation. Their goal
is to preserve and expand the Tan Cuong specialty tea area, which has brought
prosperity to many families through substantial annual earnings from tea sales and
Moreover, many families in Tan Cuong who own tea farms have established
facilities for tourists. Visitors can enjoy tea, observe tea harvesting and processing,
and even arrange for an overnight homestay at a local house, all while taking in
the stunning views of the tea-covered hills.
(Adapted from: https://vietnamnews.vn)
1. What is the main idea of the text?
A. The unique method of nurturing tea trees in Thai Nguyen
B. The picturesque tea-growing region of Thai Nguyen
C. The specialty tea from Thai Nguyen
D. The history of tea cultivation in Viet Nam
2. What makes Tan Cuong Tea unique?
A. Its popularity among tourists
B. The traditional processing methods
C. The organic nurturing of tea trees
D. The storage of tea leaves in the factory
3. Why has there been support to businesses, cooperatives, and farmers involved in
tea cultivation in Thai Nguyen in recent years?
A. To preserve and expand the unique Tan Cuong tea-producing region.
B. To ensure tea trees are free from harmful pesticide or chemical residues.
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
the flat
03/07 12:58:57
+5đ tặng
1. The main idea of the text is focused on the specialty tea from Thai Nguyen, as it highlights the unique Tan Cuong tea, the methods of nurturing tea trees, the strategies to support businesses and farmers involved in tea cultivation, and the tourism opportunities related to tea farms. Therefore, the correct answer is:
A. The specialty tea from Thai Nguyen
2. What makes Tan Cuong Tea unique is the method of nurturing tea trees with organic fertilizer, ensuring they are free from harmful pesticide or chemical residues, and the traditional methods of harvesting and processing the tea leaves. Therefore, the correct answer is:
C. The organic nurturing of tea trees
3. The support to businesses, cooperatives, and farmers involved in tea cultivation in Thai Nguyen in recent years is aimed at preserving and expanding the unique Tan Cuong tea-producing region, as mentioned in the passage. Therefore, the correct answer is:
A. To preserve and expand the unique Tan Cuong tea-producing region

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