Bài tập  /  Bài đang cần trả lời

Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
05/07 19:41:56

Change into the passive voice:

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
When I came, he was repairing the computer.
Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet in 1592.
"When I came, the computer was being repaired
Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare in 159
9. Viet is going to repaint these rooms tomorrow.
10. Our factory doesn't produce this kind of paper.
rooms are going to repain by Viet tomorrow
This kind of paper is not produced by our factory
XVI. Change into the passive voice:
1. A noise awaked me.
2. Alice discovered the mistake.
3. The teacher has announced the winner of the quiz.
4. Some people are considering the new plan.
5. The president has canceled the meeting.
6. They will build a new bridge in this city.
7. We should wash wool sweaters in hot water.
8. Has anyone invited you to the party?
9. We rang the church bell as a flood warning.
10. The police gave her two weeks in which to pay the fine.
11. The burglars had cut a big hole in the steel door.
12. Nhung expected us to give her the job.
13. The storm destroyed some big trees yesterday.
14. My mother sent us a lot of moon cakes.
15. My father gave me an interesting book.
16. We have found the answer to the question.
17. In the 18th century, people made Jean cloth completely form cotton.
18. Our company is going to produce two thousand litters of milk next month.
19. They will build a new bridge in the area.
20. We don't use this computer very often.
II. Change into the passive voice:
1. Jack will ask the builders to build his house.
2. I asked Jack to polish my shoes.
4 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Linh xg
05/07 19:43:19
+5đ tặng
  • I was awaked by a noise.
  • The mistake was discovered by Alice.
  • The winner of the quiz has been announced by the teacher.
  • The new plan is being considered by some people.
  • The meeting has been canceled by the president.
  • A new bridge will be built in this city.
  • Wool sweaters should be washed in hot water.
  • Have you been invited to the party?
  • The church bell was rung as a flood warning.
  • She was given two weeks by the police to pay the fine.
  • A big hole had been cut in the steel door by the burglars.
  • We were expected to give her the job by Nhung.
  • Some big trees were destroyed by the storm yesterday.
  • A lot of moon cakes were sent to us by my mother.
  • I was given an interesting book by my father.
  • The answer to the question has been found.
  • In the 18th century, Jean cloth was made completely from cotton.
  • Two thousand liters of milk are going to be produced by our company next month.
  • A new bridge will be built in the area.
  • This computer is not used very often.

Mở khóa để xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời

Bạn đã đạt đến giới hạn của mình. Bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản, bạn có thể xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời
Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
Tôi đã có tài khoản? Đăng nhập
Mai Mai
05/07 19:43:50
+4đ tặng
1. The mistake was discovered by Alice.
2. The winner of the quiz has been announced by the teacher.
3. The new plan is being considered by some people.
4. The meeting has been canceled by the president.
5. A new bridge will be built in this city.
6. Wool sweaters should be washed in hot water.
7. Have you been invited to the party by anyone?
8. The church bell was rung as a flood warning by us.
9. She was given two weeks by the police to pay the fine.
10. A big hole had been cut in the steel door by the burglars.
11. It was expected by Nhung that we would give her the job.
12. Some big trees were destroyed by the storm yesterday.
13. We were sent a lot of moon cakes by my mother.
14. An interesting book was given to me by my father.
15. The answer to the question has been found by us.
16. In the 18th century, linen cloth was made completely from cotton by people.
17. Two thousand liters of milk are going to be produced by our company next month.
18. A new bridge will be built in the area by them.
19. This computer is not used very often by us.
Ngọc Châu
05/07 19:43:53
+3đ tặng
I was awakened by a noise.
The mistake was discovered by Alice.
The winner of the quiz has been announced by the teacher.
The new plan is being considered by some people.
The meeting has been canceled by the president.
A new bridge will be built in this city by them. (or "Construction of a new bridge..." for a more formal tone)
Wool sweaters should be washed in hot water.
Have you been invited to the party by anyone?
The church bell was rung by us as a flood warning.
She was given two weeks by the police to pay the fine.
A big hole had been cut in the steel door by the burglars.
We were expected to be given the job by Nhung.
Some big trees were destroyed by the storm yesterday.
A lot of moon cakes were sent to us by my mother.
An interesting book was given to me by my father.
The answer to the question has been found by us.
Jean cloth was made completely form cotton in the 18th century. (Made can also be replaced with "manufactured")
Two thousand liters of milk are going to be produced by our company next month.
A new bridge will be built in the area. (same as sentence 6)
This computer is not used very often by us.
Chu Diem Quynh
05/07 19:44:22
+2đ tặng
  1. I was awaked by a noise.
  2. The mistake was discovered by Alice.
  3. The winner of the quiz has been announced by the teacher.
  4. The new plan is being considered by some people.
  5. The meeting has been canceled by the president.
  6. A new bridge will be built in this city.
  7. Wool sweaters should be washed in hot water.
  8. Have you been invited to the party?
  9. The church bell was rung as a flood warning.
  10. She was given two weeks by the police in which to pay the fine.
  11. A big hole in the steel door had been cut by the burglars.
  12. Nhung was expected to be given the job by us.
  13. Some big trees were destroyed by the storm yesterday.
  14. A lot of moon cakes were sent to us by my mother.
  15. I was given an interesting book by my father.
  16. The answer to the question has been found by us.
  17. In the 18th century, Jean cloth was made completely from cotton by people.
  18. Two thousand litters of milk are going to be produced by our company next month.
  19. A new bridge will be built in the area.
  20. This computer isn't used very often by us.

Bạn hỏi - Lazi trả lời

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Học tập không giới hạn cùng bạn bè học sinh cả nước, đến LAZI, sôi động, tích cực, trải nghiệm

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