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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
10/07 16:30:55

Chia động từ trong ngoặc

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
BT 3. Chia động từ trong ngoặc
1. When I was a student, I used to (work)
2. I will never get used to (work)
3. She isn't used to (live).
in a bar.
nights. I prefer working days
on her own. The house feels quite empty.
4. When I worked in the city, I used to (get up)
5. Are you getting used to (live)
6. We are not used to (live)
7. I used to (be)
really early.
in your new house yet?
in a cold climate. We're used to a warm one.
a gardener. I'm not used to (sit).
8. Since I retired from my job, I can't get used to (have)
9. In my last job, I used to (wear)
10. I was just getting used to (wear).
in an office all day.
nothing to do all day.
a suit and tie. Now I wear jeans.
2 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
1. When I was a student, I used to **work** in a bar.
2. I will never get used to **working** nights. I prefer working days.
3. She isn't used to **living** on her own. The house feels quite empty.
4. When I worked in the city, I used to **get up** really early.
5. Are you getting used to **living** in your new house yet?
6. We are not used to **living** in a cold climate. We're used to a warm one.
7. I used to **be** a gardener. I'm not used to **sitting** in an office all day.
8. Since I retired from my job, I can't get used to **having** nothing to do all day.
9. In my last job, I used to **wear** a suit and tie. Now I wear jeans.
10. I was just getting used to **wearing** glasses.
10/07 16:31:30
+5đ tặng
  1. When I was a student, I used to work in a bar. (past habit)
  2. I will never get used to working nights. I prefer working days. (present infinitive after "get used to" for a dislike of a current situation)
  3. She isn't used to living on her own. The house feels quite empty. (present participle after "used to" for a new situation she isn't comfortable with yet)
  4. When I worked in the city, I used to get up really early. (past habit)
  5. Are you getting used to living in your new house yet? (present continuous after "get used to" for a new situation)
  6. We are not used to living in a cold climate. We're used to a warm one. (present participle after "used to" for a new situation they aren't comfortable with yet)
  7. I used to be a gardener. I'm not used to sitting all day. (past state of being, present participle after "used to" for a new situation)
  8. Since I retired from my job, I can't get used to having nothing to do all day. (present infinitive after "get used to" for a dislike of a current situation)
  9. In my last job, I used to wear a suit and tie. Now I wear jeans. (past habit, present simple)
  10. I was just getting used to wearing glasses. (past continuous for an action that was ongoing)


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10/07 16:31:38
+4đ tặng
1. When I was a student, I used to (work) .to work.. in a bar.
2. I will never get used to (work)…working….nights. I prefer working days
3. She isn’t used to (live)…living..on her own. The house feels quite empty.
4. When I worked in the city, I used to (get up)…get up….really early.
5. Are you getting used to (live)……living………in your new house yet?
6. We are not used to (live)…living…. in a cold climate. We’re used to a warm one.
7. I used to (be)…be…… a gardener. I’m not used to (sit)……sitting…….in an office all day.
8. Since I retired from my job, I can’t get used to (have)……having……..nothing to do all day.
9. In my last job, I used to (wear)……wear…….. a suit and tie. Now I wear jeans.
10. I was just getting used to (wear)…wearing…..glasses.

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