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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
10/07 22:12:26

Chia dạng đúng của từ

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
11. Martin enjoys (go).
12. My daughter loves (read).
_to the church at weekends.
_comics before going to bed.
13. exercise and get enough sleep (help)............ people keep fit?
14. Karen enjoys (shop).
15. Simon likes (go)_
16. Rosie hates (do).
for clothes and shoes.
fishing with his dad at weekends.
17. My mother says when she (retire: về hưu)
do the gardening.
18. She (take).
19. My father (like).
20. My aunt (play).
she (go)
back to her village to
on holidays.
a lot of photos when she (go)
collecting stamps so much.
the guitar once a week.
Muhabby ie (naint)
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
Here are the correct forms of the verbs for the given sentences:

11. Martin enjoys **going** to the church at weekends.
12. My daughter loves **reading** comics before going to bed.
13. Does exercise and getting enough sleep **help** people keep fit?
14. Karen enjoys **shopping** for clothes and shoes.
15. Simon likes **going** fishing with his dad at weekends.
16. Rosie hates **doing** housework.
17. My mother says when she **retires**, she **will go** back to her village to do the gardening.
18. She **takes** a lot of photos when she **goes** on holidays.
19. My father **likes** collecting stamps so much.
20. My aunt **plays** the guitar once a week.
Nak cuti
10/07 22:14:28
+5đ tặng
  1. Martin enjoys going to the church at weekends.
  2. Does exercise and get enough sleep help people keep fit?
  3. Karen enjoys shopping for clothes and shoes.
  4. Simon likes going fishing with his dad at weekends.
  5. Rosie hates doing housework.
  6. My mother says when she retires, she will do the gardening.
  7. She takes a lot of photos when she goes back to her village on holidays.
  8. My father likes playing the guitar once a week.
  9. My aunt enjoys collecting stamps so much.


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Phạm Thảo Minh
10/07 22:15:03
+4đ tặng

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