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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
11/07 21:10:47

Listen to a guide at a wildlife park

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Task 6. Listen to a guide at a wildlife park. Are the sente
in task 5 true or false? Write T or F.
1. Sharks are more dangerous than crocodiles.
2. Crocodiles are slower than most humans on land.
3. Tigers are the heaviest of the big cats.
4. Giraffes are the tallest land animals.
5. Dolphins are more intelligent than gorillas.
1 trả lời
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To determine whether the statements in Task 5 are true or false, you would need to listen to the guide at the wildlife park. However, based on general knowledge, here are the likely answers:

1. Sharks are more dangerous than crocodiles. - F (False)
- Crocodiles are generally considered more dangerous to humans than sharks.

2. Crocodiles are slower than most humans on land. - F (False)
- Crocodiles can actually run faster than humans over short distances.

3. Tigers are the heaviest of the big cats. - T (True)
- Tigers are indeed the heaviest of the big cats.

4. Giraffes are the tallest land animals. - T (True)
- Giraffes are the tallest land animals.

5. Dolphins are more intelligent than gorillas. - This one is debatable and depends on the criteria used to measure intelligence. Generally, both dolphins and gorillas are considered highly intelligent animals, but it's difficult to definitively say one is more intelligent than the other without specific context.

For accurate answers, you should listen to the guide's explanations in the audio provided.
Kiriya Aoi
11/07 21:15:11
+5đ tặng
1. T (Sharks are generally considered more dangerous than crocodiles.),
2. F (Crocodiles are faster than most humans on land.),
3. F (Tigers are not the heaviest of the big cats, lions are heavier.),
4. T (Giraffes are indeed the tallest land animals.),
5. T (Dolphins are known for their high intelligence level, often considered more intelligent than gorillas.)

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