What would (1) life be like without music? I wonder how music started. It is an (2) essential part of every culture on Earth. I wonder when we first became interested in music. Is it when we are a baby? Some people think our (3) interest in music starts before we are born. Music is an (4) important part of my day. It changes my (5) mood and puts me in a good mood. There’s nothing better to do on a train or bus than put on my (6) headphones. I like all kinds of music, from classical and opera to jazz, rock, and world music. I’m always looking for something new. Sometimes I hear a song or piece of music on the TV or radio. I have to find out who it is. Do you do that? I’m sure I’ll keep (7) collecting CDs or mp3s until I’m a hundred. Perhaps I won’t be able to hear it then!