When was this bridge built?
Repairing that old typewriter is pointless.
They have a lot in common.
This train was meant to have left 30 minutes ago.
The president put his chauffeur-driven car at my disposal whenever I liked.
The painting is valued at $25,000.
This passport is valid for most countries.
I am on very good terms with my bank manager.
That hotel is beyond our reach.
Without absolute secrecy, the mission would not have been successful.
Hardly had he arrived home when a water-heater exploded.
Little does Rita realize how serious her husband’s operation is going to be.
Lydia had soup spilled over her new dress by a waiter last night.
Had it not been for the goalkeeper, we would have lost the match.
Tim insisted on being told the full story.
Nothing will persuade Tim to change his mind.
The permit expires at the end of this month.
Much as I admire her achievements, I don’t really like her.