Beautiful life is a very necessary lifestyle in today's life. So how is a beautiful life? To be beautiful is to live with purpose, to have dreams, to be ideal. To live beautifully is to live a progressive life, to be able to get up with your own feet when you fall, to persevere and bravely overcome the challenges and difficulties to rise up and set wings for your dreams to fly high. , fly away. Living in beauty is also a cultural, polite way of life; is an intellectual life, human being. Beautiful life first of all must come from kindness and tolerance between people. Currently in life there are countless beautiful people with warm actions and gestures. For example, in the hot weather in Saigon, someone brought cold ginseng water to the sidewalk for everyone to drink without taking money. Or on social media reports that an ethnic adult picked up a stranger's wallet and tried everything to pay them without thanking. Such acts of beauty have helped people to be closer to people and to make society better. However, there are still a large number of people who live negatively, contrary to social ethics. Such actions deserve criticism and harsh condemnation.That will make the society go down and down, and people more and more indifferent to each other. Open your heart, bring love to warm cold hearts before the waves of life. Give in return: love, faith and hope. Beautiful life is a lifestyle that everyone wants to have. Living must know to learn and practice properly in order to exist and develop. No one lives beautifully from birth. Therefore, proper study and training is the only way that leads us to a civilized lifestyle, a beautiful way of life. What are you waiting for ?