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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
01/06/2021 19:59:42

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one

I. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. (5 points)

76. As the world’s temperature rise, the Artic keeps losing its ice.

=> Due 

77. Because of the bad weather, the plane could’t touch down.

=>Bad weather made it

78. All visitors to the town fall in love with it.

=>Everyone who      

79. “You stole the computer” They said to the boy.

=>They accused       

80. John’s proud of being a computer programmer.

⇨ John takes 

4 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Nguyễn Anh Minh
01/06/2021 20:01:09
+5đ tặng

1.Because of the bad weather, the plane couldn't touch down (IMPOSSIPLE)

=> It's impossible for the plane to touch now in the bad weather

2. My brother likes science fiction books very much (FOND)

My brother __is fond of science fiction books very much

3. "I've already see the New Tech Exhibition" (SAID)


Peter _said that he had already to see the New Tech Exhibition

4. "The plane will be leaving in thirty five minutes" (ANNOUCED)

They ___annouced the plane would be leaving in thirty five minutes

5. A robot will easily handled all household chorez in the near future (BE)

All household chores ___will easily be handled by a robot in the near future

6. Thomas Edison established his first laboratory facility in1876 (UP)

Thomas Edison ___ made up his first experimental facility in 1876

7. "What about going to the Science and Technology Fair ?" Mark said to me (SHOULD)

Mark ____suggested me that I should go to the Science and Technology Fair

8. Don't waste time persuading him to go with us (WORTH)

It's ___worth to waste time persuading him to go with us

9. Why has nk one thought of a way to make aircraft quieter? (COME)

Why _has no one come up with the idea of making aircraft quieter

10. We arrived at the cinema, but the film had finished (TIME)

By __the time we arrived , the film had finished

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Ngọc Hiển
01/06/2021 20:01:32
+4đ tặng

77. Because of the bad weather, the plane could’t touch down.

=>Bad weather made it the plane could touch down :v

01/06/2021 20:03:36
+3đ tặng

79. “You stole the computer” They said to the boy.

=> They accused the boy of stoling the computer . 

80. John’s proud of being a computer programmer.

=> John takes pride in being a computer programmer . 

01/06/2021 20:07:24
+2đ tặng

76. As the world’s temperature rise, the Artic keeps losing its ice.

=> Due to the fact that the world’s temperature rise, the Artic keeps losing its ice.

77. Because of the bad weather, the plane could’t touch down.

=>Bad weather made it is impossible for the plane to touch down

78. All visitors to the town fall in love with it.

=>Everyone who   visits the town falls in love with it.

79. “You stole the computer” They said to the boy.

=>They accused    the boy of stealing the computer  

80. John’s proud of being a computer programmer.

⇨ John takes pride in being a good computer programmer.

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