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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
05/11/2021 17:43:59

Circle the best answer:

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise lop 9/5
A. Circle the best answer:
that letter two years ago.
b. to write
c. be written
d. writing
you finished yet?
a. To have
b. has
c. having
d. have
Tv for 2 days
a. to watch
b. watched
c. have watched
d. has watched
4.she wishes she
that house
a To buy
b. bought
c. become
d. becomes
5.My friends
a new bike yesterday
a. giving
b. gave
c. give
d. to give
B.Fill in this passage with the words given in the box.
, spoken, religion, are
language is Thai. English is also (2)
especially in Bangkok and other tourism areas. Although Thailand has no official (3)
national, Buddhism
The (1)
and understood by many citizens,
to 96.4% people (2002) believe in (4)
some other religions such as Muslims, Hinduism and Christianity.
Additionally, there(5)
are followers of
C.Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements are true IT), false (F)
or no information (N). Correct the false sentences.
John Brown is a lecturer. He went to university in 1982, and was one of the best students at that
time. In 1990, he became a professor. He has been a senior lecturer since then. He is a very well
known in his teaching career. He has written five books about education, including a book "How
to teach deaf children" in 1995. He is married to his assistant, Linda. They have two children.
1. John Brown is a farmer
4. five books about education has written by
2. she went to university in 1982
5. John Brown died in 2000
3. John Brown was one of the best students at
Кey: 1
that time
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Meliora Kerenza ☘☘
05/11/2021 18:04:01
+5đ tặng
A 1A 2D 3C 4B 5B
B1 national  2spoken    3religion    4buddhism
C 1T  2T    3T      4T    5F

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