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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
27/11/2021 10:23:03

Viết lại câu: My/ brother/ find/ make/ models/ very/ interesting/ ./

Viết lại câu: 
1. My/ brother/ find/ make/ models/ very/ interesting/./
2. He/ want/ eat/ some/ food/ but/ he/ have/ sore throat/./
3. Eat/ less/ junk food/ or/ you/ put/ on/ weight/./
4.Community/ service/ be/ work/ you/ do/ for/ community/./
5. We/ find/ make/ models/ very interesting/./
6. My best friend/ not/ like/ mountain climbing/ because/ he/ apraid/ height/./
7. Eat/ more/ fruit/ vegetable/ have/ good health/./
8. We/ can cook/ meals/ bring them/ home less people/./
3 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
27/11/2021 10:31:28
+5đ tặng
1. My brother finds making models is very interesting
2. He wants to eat some food but he has sore throat
3. Eat less junk food or you will put on weight
4. Community service will be worked if you do for that community
5. We find making models is very interesting
6. My best friend doesn't like mountain climbing because he is afraid of height
7. Eat more fruit and vegetable to have a good health
8. We can cooks meals and bring them to home less people
cho mình 5 sao nhé bn

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Phượng Cửu
27/11/2021 10:34:51
+4đ tặng
1. My brother finds making models is very interesting
2. He wants to eat some food but he has sore throat
3. Eat less junk food or you will put on weight
4. Community service will be worked if you do for that community
5. We find making models is very interesting
6. My best friend doesn't like mountain climbing because he is afraid of height
7. Eat more fruit and vegetable to have a good health
8. We can cooks meals and bring them to home less people
Võ Hướng
27/11/2021 10:37:07
+3đ tặng
1. My brother finds making models is very interesting
2. He wants to eat some food but he has sore throat
3. Eat less junk food or you will put on weight
4. Community service will be worked if you do for that community
5. We find making models is very interesting
6. My best friend doesn't like mountain climbing because he is afraid of height
7. Eat more fruit and vegetable to have a good health

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