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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
02/01/2022 07:08:09


----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Once upon a time there was a young girl called Cinderella. Cinderella was living happily with her family when
her mother died. Her father married an evil widow with two daughters. Cinderella's stepmother and two
stepsisters mistreated her. She had to wear old clothes and work hard while the sisters wore fancy clothes and
had fun. A good witch helped Cinderella. She turned Cinderella's old dress into a beautiful gown. Cinderella
went to a party and a handsome prince politely invited her to dance with him. He fell in love with her and
wanted to find out who she was. Cinderella left the party in a hurry and didn't tell the prince her name. but she
left a glass slipper, and the prince used that to find her. They got married and lived happily ever after.
1. Answer true (T) or false (F) (1m)
True False
1. Cinderella was not living happily with her family when her mother died.
2. Her father married a honest woman.
3. Her stepmother and two stepsisters were very kind to her.
d. The prince got married to the girl who didn't fit the left glass slipper.
2. Answer the questions. ( 2ms)
1. How did Cinderella's stepmother and two stepsisters treat her?
2. Who turned Cinderella's old clothes into a beautiful gown?
3. Did the princess tell her name when meeting the prince?
4. What happened in the end?
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
02/01/2022 07:26:44
+5đ tặng


Once upon a time there was a young girl called Cinderella. Cinderella was living happily with her family when her mother died. Her father married an evil widow with two daughters. Cinderella’s stepmother and two stepsisters mistreated her. She had to wear old clothes and work hard while the sisters wore fancy clothes and had fun. A good witch helped Cinderella. She turned Cinderella’s old dress into a beautiful gown. Cinderella went to a party and a handsome prince politely invited her to dance with him. He fell in love with her and wanted to find out who she was. Cinderella left the party in a hurry and didn’t tell the prince her name. but she left a glass slipper, and the prince used that to find her. They got married and lived happily ever after.

I. Answer true (T) or false (F).

True False

a. Cinderella was living happily with her family when her mother died. T

b. Her father married a kind woman. F

c. Her stepmother and two stepsisters were very kind to her. F

d. The prince got married to the girl who fitted the left glass slipper. T

II. Answer the questions.

 1. How did Cinderella’s stepmother and two stepsisters treat her?

=> Cinderella’s stepmother and two stepsisters mistreated her. She had to wear old clothes and work hard while the sisters wore fancy clothes and had fun

2. Who turned Cinderella’s old clothes into a beautiful gown?

=> A good witch

4.  What happened in  the end?

=> They got married and lived happily ever after.

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