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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
28/01/2022 07:52:34

Read the article again and fill in the blanks

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b. Read the article again and fill in the blanks.
Mai Hoang, June 5
Act Green Vietnam is a charity in Vietnam. They help communities come together
to clean parks, rivers, and beaches all around Vietnam. They started helping to
clean the beaches on Phú Quốc island in 2015. Now, every month, Act Green
Vietnam plants to clean somewhere in Vietnam. They also plan cleanups in big
cities all over Vietnam on Earthday and on World Cleanup Day.
In 2016, Act Green Vietnam created the Think Green Programe. They aim to teach
children how to protect wildlife in Vietnam. The programe has stickers, crafts,
handbooks, and mobile game, all for free, to make it fun. To help Act Green
Vietnam, you can join one of their cleanups, donate money, or offer to help at their
office in Ho Chi Minh City.
1. Act Green Vietnam is a Vietnamese
2. The first community they helped to clean was
in 2015.
3. They have cleanups in big cities every year on
and World Cleanup Day.
4. You can offer to help or
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Võ Diệu
04/02/2022 20:26:08

1. charity

2. on Phu Quoc island

3.  on Earthday 

4. donate

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