gripping - h. very exciting (A gripping story keeps you interested and excited.)
scary - f. frightening (Scary means causing fear.)
violent - g. using or involving force to hurt or attack (Violence involves physical force intended to cause harm.)
boring - i. not interesting (Something boring is dull and doesn't hold your attention.)
moving - c. causing strong feelings of sadness or sympathy (A moving story evokes strong emotions.)
entertaining - a. funny and interesting (Something entertaining provides amusement and enjoyment.)
predictable - e. not surprising (If something is predictable, you expect it to happen.)
hilarious - j. extremely funny (Hilarious means very amusing.)
shocking - d. very surprising (Shocking means causing surprise and often disapproval.)
incredible - b. extremely good (Incredible can also mean difficult to believe, but in this context, it means exceptionally good.)
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