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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
06/03/2022 09:37:49

Đọc và trả lời

A robot cannot think or do things alone. People use a computer to control it. Today, robots are not very popular because they are too expensive, but they are very useful. They can help us save a lot of time and work. A robot can do the same work for 24 hours, and yet, it does not complain or get tired. In the US, people use robots to guard some important places. These robots can listen to certain noises and send signals for help if there’s trouble or danger. In Japan, people use robots in factories to build cars. In the future, scientists will design many types of intelligent robots. Their robots will be able to do many more complicated things. However, some people do not like robots. They fear (sợ) that one day robots will be too powerful.

2. Why aren’t robots popular today?


3 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Thu Giang
06/03/2022 09:39:00
+5đ tặng

2. Why aren’t robots popular today?
Today, robots are not very popular because they are too expensive

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Ngọc Hiển
06/03/2022 09:39:03
+4đ tặng
1 . Because a robot cannot think or do things alone.

2 . It can help us save a lot of time and work.

Kiều Tuấn Phong
06/03/2022 09:39:27
+3đ tặng
2Because they are too expensive

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