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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
17/03/2022 11:29:32

Circle A, B or C to choose the sentences that has the closest meaning with the given ones

Ex8: Circle A, B or C to choose the sentences that has the closest meaning with the given ones 
1. Aquatic life suffers or dies because there is thermal pollution. 
A. Aquatic life suffers or dies because of thermal pollution
B. Because of there is thermal pollution a quatic life suffers or dies
C. Aquatic life suffers or dies because  thermal pollution

2.Plant more trees or the air will be seriously polluted. 
A. If we  plant more trees, the air will be seriously polluted.
B. we don’t plant more trees if the air will be seriously polluted.
C. If we don’t plant more trees, the air will be seriously polluted.

3.Mai speaks English very fluently because she spent 2 years studying English in London. 
A. Mai spent 2 years studying English in London, so she speaks English very fluently
B. Mai spent 2 years to study English in London, so she speaks English very fluently
C. Because Mai spent 2 years studying English in London, so she speaks English very fluently

4. Eating too much sugar can result in health problems. 
A. Eating too much sugar can result to  health problems. 
B. Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems
C. Eating too much sugar can lead some health problems

5.Many people speak English in the world. 
A. English spoken all over the world by many people 
B. English is spoken all over the world by many people
C. People  of all over the world  speak English

6. I'm not you, but I think you should recycle these plastic carrier bags. 
A/If I were/ was you, I would recycle these plastic carrier bags.
B. If I were you, I recycled these plastic carrier bags.
C. I would recycle these plastic carrier bags If I am you

7.Emma came first because she worked hard. 
A.Emma came first due to she worked hard
B.Emma came first as a result of her hard work.
C.Emma came first because she worked hard

8.All flights had to be cancelled as a result of the pilots' sudden strike.
A.The pilots suddenly went on strike, so all flights had to be cancelled.
B. Because  the pilots suddenly went on strike, so all flights had to be cancelled
C. All flights had to be cancelled  because of the pilots suddenly went on strike

9.If I could swim, I would go scuba diving with Terry. 
A. Because I can swim, I won't go scuba diving with Terry.
B. Because I can swim, I will go scuba diving with Terry
C.Because I can't swim,I won't go scuba diving with Terry.

10.The factory dumps its waste into the river, so the water is seriously polluted.
A. If the factory didn’t dump its waste into the river, the water wouldn’t be seriously polluted.
B. If the factory dump its waste into the river, the water wouldn’t be seriously polluted
C. If the factory didn’t dump its waste into the river, the water won’t be seriously polluted

11. Before the typhoon hit the area, the old had been evacuated to safe places.
A. Before the typhoon hit the area, the old evacuated to safe places.
B.After the old had been evacuated to safe places, the typhoon hit the area.
C. After the old had been evacuated to safe places, the typhoon hits the area.

12. Polluted air has led to the local people’s breathing problems.
A. Polluted air has led the local people’s breathing problems.
B. Polluted air has caused to the local people’s breathing problems.
C. Polluted air has resulted in the local people’s breathing problems.

13. The factory has treated all the chemical waste well.
A. All the chemical waste has been treated well by the factory
B. The factory has been treated all the chemical waste well.
C. All the chemical waste was  treated well by the factory

14. Although people prepared carefully for the storm, they suffered severe damage.
 A. Despite people’s careful preparation for the storm, they suffered severe damage.
B.Despite the fact that people prepared carefully for the storm, they suffer severe damage.
C. Despite people  prepared  carefully for the storm, they suffered severed damage.
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17/03/2022 11:41:07
+5đ tặng
1.Aquatic life suffers or dies because there is thermal pollution. 
A. Aquatic life suffers or dies because of thermal pollution
2.Plant more trees or the air will be seriously polluted. 
A. If we plant more trees, the air will be seriously polluted.
3.Mai speaks English very fluently because she spent 2 years studying English in London. 
A. Mai spent 2 years studying English in London, so she speaks English very fluently​
4. Eating too much sugar can result in health problems. 
B. Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems
5.Many people speak English in the world. 
B. English is spoken all over the world by many people
6. I'm not you, but I think you should recycle these plastic carrier bags. 
A.If I were/ was you, I would recycle these plastic carrier bags.
7.Emma came first because she worked hard. 
B.Emma came first as a result of her hard work.
8.All flights had to be cancelled as a result of the pilots' sudden strike
B. Because  the pilots suddenly went on strike, so all flights had to be cancelled
9.If I could swim, I would go scuba diving with Terry. 
C.Because I can't swim,I won't go scuba diving with Terry.
10.The factory dumps its waste into the river, so the water is seriously polluted.
A. If the factory didn’t dump its waste into the river, the water wouldn’t be seriously polluted.
11. Before the typhoon hit the area, the old had been evacuated to safe places.
B.After the old had been evacuated to safe places, the typhoon hit the area.
12. Polluted air has led to the local people’s breathing problems.
C. Polluted air has resulted in the local people’s breathing problems.
13. The factory has treated all the chemical waste well.
A. All the chemical waste has been treated well by the factory
14. Although people prepared carefully for the storm, they suffered severe damage.
B.Despite the fact that people prepared carefully for the storm, they suffer severe damage.


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