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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
10/07/2022 10:34:38

Choose the correct form, with or without the

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Choose the correct form, with or without the.
1 Have you ever been to British Museum-/ the British Museum? (the British Museum is correct)
2 The biggest park in New York is Central Park / the Central Park.
3 My favourite park in London is St. James's Park / the St James's Park.
4 Imperial Hotel /The Imperial Hotel is in Baker Street / the Baker Street.
5 Dublin Airport /The Dublin Airport is situated about 12 kilometres from the city centre.
6 Jack is a student at Liverpool University /the Liverpool University.
7 If you're looking for a department store, I would recommend Harrison's/ the Harrison's.
If you're looking for a hotel, I would recommend Park Plaza / the Park Plaza.
9 Statue of Liberty/The Statue of Liberty is at the entrance to New York Harbour / the New York
10 You should go to Science Museum / the Science Museum. It's very interesting.
11 Andy works for IBM /the IBM now. He used to work for British Telecom / the British Telecom,
12 'Which cinema are you going to this evening?' 'Classic / The Classic.
13 I'd like to go to China and see Great Wall /the Great Wall
14 'Which newspaper do you want?' 'Times / The Times.
15 This book is published by Cambridge University Press / the Cambridge University Press.
16 'What's that building?' 'It's College of Art /the College of Art.
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Ngọc Nguyễn
10/07/2022 10:35:51
+5đ tặng

1. Have you ever been to _British Museum/the British Museum._ (the ... is correct)

2. Hyde Park/The Hyde Park_ is a very large park in central London.

3. Another park in central London is _St James's Park/the St James's Park._

4. Grand Hotel/The Grand Hotel_ is in _Baker Street/the Baker Street._

5. We flew to New York from _Gatwick Airport/the Gatwick Airport_ near London.

6. Frank is a student at _Liverpool University/the Liverpool University._

7. If you're looking for a good clothes shop, I would recommend _Harrison's/the Harrison's._

8. If you're looking for a good pub, I would recommend _Ship Inn/the Ship Inn._

9. Statue of Liberty/The Statue of Liberty_ is at the entrance to _New York harbour/the New York harbour._

10. You should go to _Science Museum/the Science Museum._ It's very interesting,

11. John works for IBM/the IBM now. He used to work for _British Telecom/the British Telecom._

12. 'Which cinema are you going to this evening?' '_Classic/The Classic._'

13. I'd like to go to China and see _Great Wall/the Great Wall._

14. Which newspaper shall I buy--_Independent/the Independent_ or _Herald/the Herald_?

15. This book is published by _Cambridge University Press/the Cambridge University Press.

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Kim Mai
10/07/2022 10:39:28
+4đ tặng
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1) từ 2
2) từ 1
3) từ 1
4) từ 2
5) từ 2
6) từ 1

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