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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
16/07/2022 17:45:38

Chuyển sang câu gián tiếp

1. I asked Mary, “When will you learn to play the piano?” 2. Mr. Pike asked me, “Who are you writing to?” 3. My parents asked me, “What are you doing at the moment?” 4. The pupils asked their teacher, “How do you spell Manchester?” 5. Ann asked her mother, “Where are my dolls?” 6. They asked me, “What were you doing at seven o’clock yesterday when we called you?” 7. He asked her, “When will you leave this place?” 8. We asked, “What time does the plane arrive?” 9. He said to me, “Did you watch the news on TV last night?” 10. Mr. smith said to me, “Where are you going on your vacation?” 11. His mother asked, “Who put those book here, John?” 12. She said, “How do you go to the post office?” 13. My mother asked, “How many classes are there in your school?” 14. Ann asked, “Which team has won?” 15. The woman said, “When will my dress be finished?”
10. “I shouldn’t do that if I were you. ” he said 11. Mary said ‘I can not go to the movie with you, John” 12. “Shut the door but don’t lock it” she said to us. 13. Shall we meet outside the cinema after eight” he said 14. “Would you like me to repair the car for you?’ he said 15. “Will you have a drink?” he said 16. “You had better hurry’ she said 17. “Why don’t we come to visit our teacher today?” he said 18. “Would you like to go to the cinema with me?” he said 19. ‘Stay in bed for a few days,’ the doctor said to me. 20. ‘Don’t wait for me if I’m late,’ John said to us. 21. ‘Please don’t tell anybody what happened ,’ Ann said to me. 22. ‘Can you open your bag, please?’ the customs officer said to me. 23. ‘You should take the job , Frank,’ Sandra said. 24. ‘Don’t wear those boots in the house,’ she said to her child. 25. ‘You must not leave the door unlocked,’ Mr Atkin said to Mark.
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
16/07/2022 17:55:15
+5đ tặng
1.I asked Mary whn she would learn to play the piano
2. MR Pike asked me who i was writing to
3. My parents asked me what i was doing at the moment
4. The pupils asked their teacher how she/he spel mácester 

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Ngọc Linh
16/07/2022 21:11:20
+4đ tặng
1.I asked Mary whn she would learn to play the piano
2. MR Pike asked me who i was writing to
3. My parents asked me what i was doing at the moment
4. The pupils asked their teacher how she/he spel mácester 

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