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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
28/07/2022 09:56:05

Passive Voice

     Passive Voice
64- She hasn't found her handbagyet. 
65- We don't believe you.
66- We should help that old womanla hand.
67- Can you carry these suitcases upstairs for me 
68- We must obey the laws all the time.
69- When did you lose your bicycle? 
70- He is cleaning his bike at the moment. 
71- We shouldn't leave our luggage here.
72- We haven't corrected this exercise yet.
73- They are going to open a shopping mall in this area.
74 I found this wallet in the hall yesterday.
75- My uncle takes his son to the park every Sunday.
76- We can't play this game today. 
77- We have to keep it secret.
78- Do people speak English in this country?
79- Someone stole my motorbike last night.
80- Don't worry. We'll help you tomorrow.
81- No one saw her at that time.
82. They often laugh at me at school
83- We should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags.
84- I'm going to cut those trees down.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Thu Giang
28/07/2022 10:17:51
+5đ tặng
64- She hasn't found her handbagyet. 
her handbag hasn't been found yet
65- We don't believe you.
i am not believed
66- We should help that old womanla hand.
that old womanla hand should be helped
67- Can you carry these suitcases upstairs for me 
can these suitcases upstairs be carried for me 
68- We must obey the laws all the time.
the laws must be obeyed all the time.

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