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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
14/09/2022 15:26:33

There is one mistake in each of the sentences below, underline and correct it

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
In the past.
5. Camels are much (good)
better than some other animals at living well in deserts.
6. The teengagers must only study at school. They seem to think and talk (optimistic) a
their parents.
II. There is one mistake in each of the sentences below, underline and correct it
1. I thinks learning to ride a horse is difficult than learning to ride a bike.hink
2. Do you think country folks live little busily than city dwellers
3. Why do you think you will live more happier when moving to the countryside ?
The paddy fields in the countryside used to be much more larger than they are now. They are being
replaced with factories now.
5. Do you feel time seems to pass slowlier if we live in the countryside ?
6. The little boy cuts and collects firewood more well than I thought. May be he has been doing this sim
he was younger.
J.Choose the correct sentences.
A. My village has changed faster than I expected.
14/09/2022 15.19
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Minhh Thư
14/09/2022 15:48:59
+5đ tặng
1/ think 
2/ less

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