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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
24/09/2022 20:43:32

Choose the correct answer among A; B; C or D

IV. Choose the correct answer among A, B C or D.
1. His neighbours sometimes wondered he did for a living.
A. why B. when C. where D. what
2. Could you please tell me ?
A. It is how far to the nearest bus stop B. how far is it to the nearest bus stop
C. how far to the nearest bus stop is it D. how far it is to the nearest bus stop
3. Marigold wondered Kevin and Ruth would be at the party.
A. that B. whether C. if D. B & C
4. He asked me “ ?”
A. How long you have studied English. B. How long had you studied English
C. How long you had study English D. How long you had studied English
5. While many teachers spend some class time teaching skills, students often need more social
A. study B. studied C. study’s D. studies
6. I am not sure I can solve this problem.
A. how B. what C. who D. by whom
7. She asked me the seat or not.
A. if – had occupied C. whether – was occupied
C. if – has been occupied D. whether – occupied
8. By the age of 15, teenagers are better able to a more demanding curriculum.
A. solve B. operate C. handle D. deal
9. My parents asked me to find out it gave you so much trouble.
A. what B. which C. why D. where
10. The policeman asked us .
A. had any of us seen the accident happen
B. if had any of us seen the accident happen
C. whether any of us had seen the accident happen
D. that if any of us had seen the accident happen

11. Tom told us that sometimes he had difficulty his feelings.
A. expressing B. communicating C. sending D. talking
12. My teacher told me that I attend the math course for the higher level programme that I
A. can’t – apply B. couldn’t – apply
C. can’t – applied D. couldn’t – had applied
13. I asked him but he said nothing.
A. what the matter was B. what was the matter
C. the matter was what D. what’s the matter was
14. My closest friend is not very and she likes having a small friend group but I like talking with a
lot of people and hanging out.
A. society B. sociable C. social D. socialist
15. Mi asked what information she that assignment.
A. needs to be done B. needed doing
C. need to do D. needed to do
16. James him up when the bus reached the square.
A. told me wake B. asked me to wake
C. said me to wake D. requested me waking
17. Ann was raised very on her parents, and she was that she wouldn’t live on her own
A. dependent - worry B. dependent – worried
C. independent - worry D. independent - worried
18. Susan needs someone to show her how to her anxiety and depression.
A. empathise B. try C. succeed D. manage
19. I wonder we’ll catch the bus we’ll take a taxi.
A. if - and whether B. whether - or that
C. if - or that D. whether - or whether
20. The advice columnist said, “It sounds like the problem is not your appearance but the you
see yourself.”
A. route B. distance C. way D. behavior

2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
24/09/2022 20:48:48
+5đ tặng
IV. Choose the correct answer among A, B C or D.
1. His neighbours sometimes wondered he did for a living.
A. why B. when C. where D. what

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Trịnh Đức Hùng
24/09/2022 20:49:46
+4đ tặng
1. His neighbours sometimes wondered he did for a living.
A. why B. when C. where D. what
2. Could you please tell me ?
A. It is how far to the nearest bus stop B. how far is it to the nearest bus stop
C. how far to the nearest bus stop is it D. how far it is to the nearest bus stop
3. Marigold wondered Kevin and Ruth would be at the party.
A. that B. whether C. if D. B & C
4. He asked me “ ?”
A. How long you have studied English. B. How long had you studied English
C. How long you had study English D. How long you had studied English
5. While many teachers spend some class time teaching skills, students often need more social
A. study B. studied C. study’s D. studies

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