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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 11
18/10/2022 15:56:17

Write the sentences in a passive voice

Write the sentences in a passive voice.

1. You should wash your hands before you eat something.


2. The teacher required me to make a presentation when I was in the Geography class last week.


3. My father and my uncle are repainting the attic at the moment.


4. Sarah chopped the cucumbers and the onions she had already added to the mixture.


5. He broke his leg last week so he cannot join the football match this afternoon.


6. We can recycle plastic bottles to make decorations.


7. The lifeguard at the swimming pool saved the little girl.


8. People considered her the best interpreter in this company.


9. I massage my mom’s back every day.


10. My sisters are cleaning the bathtub at the moment.


2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Phạm Thị Như Ý
18/10/2022 16:03:06
+5đ tặng
1 Your hands should be washed before you eat something.
2 I was required by the teacher to make a presentation when i was in the Geography class last week.
3 The attic is being repainted by my father and my uncle at the moment.
4 The cucumbers and the onions were chopped by Sarah
5 His led was broken last week so he cannot join the football match this afternoon.
6 Plastic bottlee can be recycled to make decorations.
7The little girl was saved by the lifeguard at the swimming pool.
9 My mom's back is massaged everyday.
10 The bathtub is being cleaned by my sisters at the moment.

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07/11/2023 22:05:16
Your hands should be washed before you eat something

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