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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
13/03/2023 10:49:22

Complete the email to your english speaking pen friend (60-80words)

Complete the email to your english speaking pen friend (60-80words)
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Vũ Đại Dương
13/03/2023 11:06:16
+5đ tặng

Dear John,

How are you ? I hope you’re well. Where is you studying now ? How is your new university ? I have some good news. This time I’m writing to tell you about my university.

I’m studying English at X university where have a good education for me to improve my skill. My university located in district 1 and I have to spend twenty minutes to arrive my school everyday.I’m start school at 8:30 A.M and finish school at 11:45 A.M. I study at school in 3 hours from Monday to Friday.My class have twenty four students and they are all friendly. I have a group with six people, who willing help me when I have problems. We also go out together in freetime. I have to learn five subjects including speaking writting, listening & reading, which will improve my English..At my school, I breaktimes because I can meet and talk with my friend. My teacher who is teaching me English is very nice and friendly.

Well, that’s all my news, I looking forward to seeing you soon. Give my regards to your parents. Write to me soon.

                                                                                                                                                                            Best wishes,

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