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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
14/03/2023 21:03:20

Choose the best answer to finish each of the following sentences

II.Choose the best answer (marked A, B, C or D) to finish each of the following sentences.

1. My sister is very fond.................... chocolate candy.A. of                  B. about           C. with                 D. at

2.   ………….. is a person who reads a report in the program.

      A. A weatherman     B. A comedian                   C. A newsreader            D. A guest

3. You look tired. You’d better………………. inside at recess.A. stayB. to stay C. staying                                       D. stayed

      4. He often ………………… the washing – up on Sunday mornings.A. makes     B. sets  C. doesD. takes

      5. What makes the new university ………………….. from the others?

                  A. same                        B. alike             C. strange                     D. different

      6. Some students have portable CD players with small ……………………. .

                  A. headphones  B. cellphones                C. earphones                 D. mobile phones

7. ”......................! Can you tell me the way to the restaurant?

A.Excuse me                   B. All right                        C. Listen   D.Thank you

8. When you go out, please buy two ………………. of soap for me.

A. rods                 B. bars                                C. tubes                           D. bottles

9. Give a…………….before you turn left or right.          A. sound    B. signal      C.turn              D.sign

10. Java is the name of one island in Indonesia.

                  A. country         B. land with water all around it  C. mountain  D. water with land all around it  

11. We use a …………… to change the channels from a distance.

      A. remote control         B. TV schedule    C. newspaper         D. volume button

12. Afterward, they ………… playing a computer game together.

A. wanted                     B. thanked                    C. enjoyed                    D. decided

13. Do you know when …………………?          A. did Thomas Edison born                              

B. was Thomas Edison born      C. Thomas Edison was born       D. born was Thomas Edison

14. There is............................meat in the box.A. any                  B. a few           C. a little          D. many

15. The robot will ………………. of the flowers in the garden.

      A. take care                  B. take note                  C. be careful                 D. carry

III.Read the letter below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct but some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (√) at the end of the line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word at the end of the line.  

Nick was in the kitchen. The radio was on so too loud that he




didn’t hear me come in behind him. My handbag was on the



table. He took some many money out of it and was going to put




it in his that pocket. We had a terrible quarrel. Finally, he broke




out and confessed everything. He goes every day to a big




amusement arcade near his school and should plays electronic




games with them names like Star Craft and Half Life. I always




thought about they were harmless. But now I realize that he is




so hooked on them, he will even steal from his own mother in




order to be pay for the habit. He promises he won’t go there




again, but I think he is too addicted to stop. Even if he wanted




to, he ever couldn’t, and he doesn’t. What can I do to help him?



IV. Complete each sentence with an appropriate preposition.

1.   What is (1)___________ TV tonight?

2.   You can see how people compete with each other (2)___________ a game show.      

3.   The Wingless Penguin is (3)_________ Disney channel, (4)__________ 8 o’clock Friday night.

4.   Comedies help people relax (5)___________ a busy day.

 V. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. I enjoy (collect)                                 dolls and it becomes my pleasure.

2.   A hobby is an ______________ that you do for pleasure. (act)

3.   The Japanese eat ______________, so they have high life expectancy. (health)

4.   Drinking unclean water can cause ______________. (sick)

5.   My uncle is a ______________. He doesn’t eat meat or fish. (vegetable)

2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
ffgfgfgf fhfhfhfh
14/03/2023 21:04:58
+5đ tặng


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. B
  9. D
  10. B
  11. A
  12. C
  13. C
  14. C
  15. A

0. too -> so

  1. some -> much
  2. that -> his
  3. goes -> goes to
  4. them -> with names
  5. about -> that
  6. they -> they are
  7. ever -> never
  8. be -> pay
  9. wanted -> wants
  10. doesn't -> can't


  1. on
  2. in
  3. on, at
  4. after
  5. collecting
  6. activity
  7. healthily
  8. sickness
  9. vegetarian

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14/03/2023 21:05:21
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6.D ​

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