The graph displays the income of four cafés in New York over the course of a year, measured in thousands of dollars. The cafés include The Tea Room, Internet Express - Wifi Café, Café Cool, and The Suce.
In terms of the income trend, there is a fluctuating pattern observed throughout the year for all cafés. The highest income recorded is in January, with all cafés reaching around $200,000. From January to April, there is a gradual decrease in income for all cafés. However, starting from May, there is a significant increase in income, reaching its peak in June and July. In August, the income slightly drops, and then there is another notable increase in September. From October to December, the income remains relatively stable, with a slight decline towards the end of the year.
Among the four cafés, The Tea Room consistently maintains the highest income throughout the year, followed by Internet Express - Wifi Café and Café Cool. The Suce has the lowest income among the four cafés but still experiences similar income fluctuations throughout the year.
Overall, the graph demonstrates the changing trend in café income over the course of a year, with notable peaks and declines. It also highlights the varying income levels among the different cafés.
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