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It was a boring weekend. ______ anything. 

Giúp minhf với mình sẽ tặng 2000 xu

1.      It was a boring weekend. ______ anything. 



A. I won’t do                             B. I don’t do                           C. I didn’t do

2. My friend ______ the answer to the question. 

D. I’m not doing


A. is know                                  B. know                                    C. is knowing

3. I think I’ll buy these shoes. ______ really well. 

D. knows


A. They fit                                  B. They have fit                   C. They’re fitting

4. Where ______ the car?

D. They were fitting


A. did you park                       B. have you parked            C. parked you

5. At nine o’clock yesterday morning we ______ for the bus. 

D. you parked


A. wait                                         B. is waiting                           C. was waiting

6. When I looked round the door, the baby ______ quietly. 

D. were waiting


A. is sleeping                            B. slept                                     C. was sleeping

7. Here’s my report. ______ it at last. 

D. were sleeping


A. I finish                                    B. I finished                            C. I’d finished

8. The earth ______ on the sun for its heat and light. 

D. I’ve finished


A. is depended                        B. depends                             C. is depending

9. We ______ to Ireland for our holiday last year. 

D. has depended


A. go                                             B. are going                           C. have gone

10. Robert ______ ill for three weeks. He’s still in hospital. 

D. went


A. had been                              B. has been                            C. is

11. My arms are aching now because ______ since two o’clock.  

D. was


A. I’m swimming                    B. I swam                                C. I swim

12. I’m very tired. ______ over four hundred miles today. 

D. I’ve been swimming


A. I drive                                     B. I’m driving                        C. I’ve been driving

13. When Martin ______ the car, he took it out for a drive. 

D. I’ve driven


A. had repaired                       B. has repaired                    C. repaired

D. was repairing

14. Janet was out of breath because _____________.

A. she’d been running          B. she ran                                C. she’s been running D. she’s run

15. Don’t worry. I ______ here to help you. 

A. be B. will be                        C. am going to be               D. won’t be

16. Our friends ______ meet us at the airport tonight. 

A. are                                            B. are going to                     C. go to

17. ______ a party next Saturday. We’ve sent out invitation.  

D. will be to


A. We had                                  B. We have                             C. We’ll have

18. I’ll tell Anna all the news when ______ her. 

D. We’re having


A. I’ll see                                     B. I’m going to see             C. I see

19. At this time tomorrow______ over the Atlantic. 

D. I’m seeing


A. we’re flying B. we’ll be flying C. we’ll fly 20. Where’s Robert? ______ a shower?

D. we’re to fly


A. Does he have                     B. Has he                                C. Has he got

21. Your birthday party was the last time ______ myself. 

D. Is he having


A. I’ve really enjoyed B. I really enjoyed         C. I’d really enjoyed 22. ______ tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere. 

D. I really enjoy


A. I’m not working                B. I don’t work                      C. I won’t work

D. I’m not going to work


23. It’s two years ______ Joe.

A. that I don’t see                  B. that I haven’t seen       C. since I didn’t see            since I saw

24. Linda has lost her passport again. It’s the second time this _____________.

A. has happened                    B. happens                             C. happened                   D. had happened

25. As soon as Martina saw the fire, she ______ the fire department. 

A. was telephoning               B. telephoned                      C. had telephoned       D. has telephoned

26. Before Jennifer won the lottery, she ______ any kind of contest. 

A. hasn’t entered                   B. doesn’t enter                   C. wasn’t entering       D. hadn’t entered

27.  Every time Prakash sees a movie made in India, he ______ homesick. 

A. will have left                       B. felt                                        C. feels                               D. is feeling

28. Since I left Venezuela six years ago, I ______ to visit friends and family several times. 

A. return                                     B. will have returned        C. am returning             D. have returned

29. While she was washing his new car, Mr. Brown ______ a small dent in the rear fender. 

A. has discovered                  B. was discovering             C. is discovering            D. discovered

30. Yesterday while I was attending a sales meeting, Matthew ______ on the company’s annual report.  

A. was working                       B. had been working        C. has worked                D. works

31. After the horse threw her to the ground for the third time, Lucy picked herself up and said, “I ______ on another as long as I live.”

A. never ride                             B. have never ridden        C. will never ride           D. do not ride

32. Ever since Maurice arrived, he ______ quietly in the corner. Is something wrong?

A. sat                                            B. has been sitting             C. had been sitting      D. will have sit








33. After Nancy ______ for twenty minutes, she began to feel tired. 

A. jogging                                  B. had been jogging           C. has been jogging D. has jogged

34.  Peter, ______ since you got home from football practice?

A. have you eaten                 B. will you eat                       C. are you eating          D. do you eat

35. By the time the young birds ______ the nest for food, they will have learned how to fly.

A. will leave                               B. will have left                    C. are leaving                 D. leave

36. The last time I ______ in Athens, the weather was hot and humid. 

A. had been                               B. was                                       C. am                                  D. will have been

37. After Jessica ______ her degree, she intends to work in her father’s company.  

A. will finish                              B. will have finished          C. finishes                        D. is finishing

38. By the time I go to bed tonight, I ______ my work for the day. 

A. will finish                              B. have finished                    C. will have finished D. finish

39. When my parents ______ for a visit tomorrow, they will see our new baby for the first time. 

A. will arrive                              B. arrived                                C. will have arrived      D. arrive

40. Susan looked down to discover a snake at her feet. When she saw it, she _____________.

A. was screaming                  B. had screamed                 C. screamed                    D. screams

41. By the time Allan finally graduated from high school, he ______ seven different schools because his parents moved frequently. 

A. attended                               B. was attending                C. had attended            D. had been attending

42. Until you learn to relax more, you ______ your ability to speak English. 

A. haven’t improved             B. aren’t improving           C. don’t improve           D. won’t improve

43. I borrowed four books on gardening the last time I ______ to the library. 

A. go B. went                           C. had gone                           D. have gone

44. Before I started the car, all of the passengers ______ their seat belts. 

A. will buckle                            B. had buckled                     C. buckle                           D. have buckled

45. It seems that whenever I travel abroad, I ______ to take something I need. 

A. forgot                                     B. am forgetting                 C. forget                            D. had forgotten

46. When I see the doctor this afternoon, I ______ him to look at my throat. 

A. will have asked                  B. asked                                   C. will ask                          D. ask

47. After Ancient Greek athletes won a race in the Olympics, they ______ a simple crown of olive leaves. 

A. were receiving                   B. had received                    C. received                       D. have received

48. I’ll return Bob’s pen to him the next time I ______ him. 

A. will have seen                    B. will see                                C. see                                  D. have seen

49. I ______ all of the questions correctly since I began this grammar exercise on verb tenses. 

A. am answering                    B. answered                          C. answer                          D. have answered

50. A small stone struck the windshield while we ______ down the gravel road. 

A. drive                                        B. were driving                    C. had driven                  D. had been driving

51. When you ______ in London again, you must come and see us. 

A. will be                                     B. will being                           C. are                                  D. have been

52. As soon as Laura ______ the house, it started to rain. 




A. had been leaving             B. had left                               C.  was leaving               D. left

53. Andy ______ out of the restaurant when he ______ Jenny. 

A. came/ saw                                                                                 B. is coming/ saw          

C. came/ was seeing                                                                  D. was coming/ had seen


54. When I last saw him, he ______  in London. 



A. has lived                               B. is living

55. We ______ Dorothy since last Saturday. 

C. was living

D. has been living


A. don’t see                               B. haven’t seen

56. The train ______ half an hour ago. 

C. didn’t see

D. hadn’t seen


A. has been leaving     B. left 57. Jack ______ the door. 

C. has left

D. had left


A. has just painted                B. paint

58. My sister ______ for you since yesterday. 

C. will have painted

D. painting


A. is looking                              B. was looking

59. I ______ Texas State University now. 

C. has been looking

D. looked


A. am attending                     B. attend

60. He has been selling motorbikes ________. 

C. was attending

D. attended


A. ten years ago                     B. since ten years

C. for ten years ago

D. for ten years

61. Christopher Columbus ______ America more than 500 years ago. 

A. discovered                           B. has discovered               C. had discovered

62. He fell down when he ______ towards the church. 

D. had been discovering


A. run                                           B. runs                                      C. was running

63. We ______ there when our father died. 

D. had run


A. still lived                               B. lived still                            C. was still living 

64. They ______ table-tennis when their father comes back home. 

D. were still living


A. will play                                 B. will be playing                C. play

65. By Christmas, I ______ for Mr. Smith for six years. 

D. would play


A. shall have been working                                                   B. shall work


C. have been working                                                                D. shall be working

66. I ______ in the room right now. 

A. am being                               B. was being                          C. have been being           am




67. I ______ to New York three times this year. 

A. have been                            B. was                                       C. were                              D. had been

68. I’ll come and see you before I ______ for the States. 

A. leave                                       B. will leave                           C. have left                       D. shall leave

69. The little girl asked what ______ to her friend. 

A. has happened                                                                          B. happened                    

C. had happened                                                                         D. would have been happened


70. John ______ a book when I saw him. 



A. is reading                             B. read                                      C. was reading

71. He said he ______ return later. 

D. reading


A. will                                           B. would                                  C. can

72. Jack ______ the door. 

D. would be


A. has just opened                B. open                                    C. will have opened

73. I have been waiting for you ________. 

D. opening


A. since early morning               B. since 9 a.m.                C. for two hours 74. Oil ______ if you pour it on water. 

D. All are correct


A. floated                                   B. floats                                   C. will be floated

75. When he returned home, he found the door ________. 

D. float


A. unlocking                             B. unlocked                            C. to be unlocked

76. The dancing club ______ north of this district. 

D. have unlocked


A. lays                                                                                                B. lies

77. Almost everyone ______ for home by the time we arrived. 

C. locates               D. lain 


A. leave                                       B. left                                        C. leaves

78. By the age of 25, he ______ two famous novels. 

D. had left


A. wrote                                      B. writes                                  C. has written

D. had written

79. While her husband was in the army, Mary ______ to him twice a week. 

A. was writing                          B. wrote                                  C. was written                D. had written

80. I couldn’t cut the grass because the lawn mower ______ a few days previously. 

A. broke down                         B. has been broken            C. had broken down D. breaks down

81. According to this newspaper, John is said ______ a new record for the long jump. 

A. to have established        B. establishing                     C. to establish                D. established

82. I have never played badminton before. This is the first time I ______ to play. 

A. try B. tried                           C. have tried                          D. am trying

83. Since ________, I have heard nothing from him. 

A. he had left                           B. he left                                  C. he has left                   D. he was left

84. After I ______ lunch, I looked for my bag. 

A. had                                          B. had had                              C. have has                      D. have had

85. By the end of next year George ______  English for two years. 

A. will have learned              B. will learn                            C. has learned                D. would learn

86. The man got out of the car, ______  round to the back and opened the boot.  

A. walking                                  B. walked                                C. walks                             D. walk

87. For several years, his ambition ______  to a pilot. 

A. is B. has been                     C. was                                       D. had been

88. Henry ______  into the restaurant when the writer was having dinner. 

A. was going                             B. went                                    C. has gone

89. He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he ______  dinner. 

D. did go


A. finish                                       B. finishes                               C. will finish

90. Before you asked, the letter ________. 

D. shall have finished


A. was written                         B. had been written           C. had written

91. I shall be glad when he ________. 

D. has been written


A. had gone                              B. did go                                  C. went

92. Ask her to come and see me when she ______  her work. 

D. has gone


A. finish                                       B. has finished                     C. finished

93. After you finish your work, you ______  a break. 

D. finishing


A. should take                         B. have taken                         C. might have taken D. takes

94.  The children are still ill but they ______  better gradually. 

A. get                                           B. getting                                C. are got                          D. are getting

95.  Don’t bother her. She ______  her French lesson; she always ______  it in the morning. 

A. takes – is taking                B. is taking – takes             C. takes – takes             D. is taking – is taking

96.  The living standards ________. Every month, things ______  more expensive.

A. are changing – are getting                                               B. are changing – get 

A. change – are getting      D. change – get

97. I have just started English courses. I ______  English grammar. 

A. study                                       B. studying                            C. leaving                          D. studied





98. Mercury ______  at 357.23 degrees centigrade. 

A. boils                                        B. is boiling                            C. boiling                          D. boiled

99. “We must buy new plates.” – “It’s useless. You always ______  plates.”

A. Break                                      B. are breaking                    C. breaking                      D. broke

100. It ______  me that they can’t sell their flat.  

A. surprises                                B. is surprising                      C. surprising                    D. surprise

101. A woman who ______  after other people’s children is a nanny.  

A. looks                                       B. is looking                           C. looking                         D. looked

102. Be quiet, please. We ______  at the translation and you ______  a  lot of noise. 

A. are working – are making                                                 B. work – are making

C. are working – make                                                              D. work – make

103. He always ______  for a walk in the evening. 

A. go B. is going                     C. goes                                     D. going

104. “Where’s Jack?” – “He ______  his girlfriend at the station. She ______  at 12 o’clock.”

A. meets – is coming                   B. is meeting – comes  C. meets – comes         D. is meeting – is coming

105. She ________. Is something wrong?

A. cries                                         B. is crying                             C. cry                                   D. crying

106. In the morning, I ______  little time, so I ______  a shower in the evening. 

A. have – take                                                                                B. am having – am taking           

C. have – am taking                                                                    D. am having – take

107. A decade ______  a period of ten years. 

A. describes                              B. is describing                    C. describe                       D. describe


108. Her brother ______  in Canada at present. 

A. working                                 B. works                       &a

2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Thu Giang
28/07/2023 13:00:03
+5đ tặng
  1.  C. I didn’t do
  2. D. knows
  3. A. They fit  
  4. A. did you park     
  5.      C. was waiting
  6.    C. was sleeping
  7. D. I’ve finished
  8. B. depends
  9. D. went
  10.  B. has been

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Thu Huyen
28/07/2023 13:07:59
+4đ tặng
  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. B
  9. D
  10. B
  11. D
  12. C
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D
  16. B
  17. C
  18. C
  19. B
  20. A
  21. C
  22. B
  23. B
  24. A
  25. C
  26. D
  27. C
  28. D
  29. B
  30. A
  31. A
  32. B
  33. B
  34. A
  35. D
  36. B
  37. A
  38. B
  39. D
  40. C
  41. C
  42. D
  43. B
  44. B
  45. C
  46. C
  47. C
  48. B
  49. B
  50. B
  51. C
  52. B
  53. D
  54. D
  55. C
  56. C
  57. A
  58. C
  59. A
  60. C
  61. D
  62. B
  63. A
  64. A
  65. A
  66. D
  67. A
  68. D
  69. D
  70. C
  71. B
  72. A
  73. D
  74. B
  75. B
  76. C
  77. C
  78. D
  79. B
  80. D

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