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Toán học - Lớp 5
10/11/2023 22:05:35

A kindergarten stores enough rice to feed 90 people for 21 days

Đây là một bài toán kiêm tiếng anh mọi người giải giúp em nhaaaaaa
A kindergarten stores enough rice to feed 90 people for 21 days. Now 60 people have been transferred to other job. How many days will the amount of rce stored increased?
1 trả lời
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To solve this problem, we can use the concept of proportions.

Let's assume that the amount of rice stored is represented by "x" and the number of days it can feed 90 people is represented by "y".

According to the given information, we have the following proportion:

x/90 = y/21

Now, we need to find the new number of days (represented by "z") when the number of people decreases to 60. We can set up a new proportion using the same amount of rice stored:

x/60 = z/21

To find the value of "z", we can cross-multiply and solve for "z":

60z = 21x

Dividing both sides by 21:

z = (60/21) * x
z = 20/7 * x

So, the amount of rice stored will last for (20/7) times the number of days it originally lasted for 90 people.

To find the number of days the amount of rice stored will increase, we can subtract the original number of days from the new number of days:

Increase in days = z - y
Increase in days = (20/7 * x) - y

Please note that we need the value of "x" (the amount of rice stored) to calculate the increase in days accurately.
cao dang dang
20/11/2023 17:52:03

The kindergarten stores enough rice to feed 90 people for 21 days, which means they have 90 * 21 = 1890 servings of rice.

After 60 people have been transferred to other jobs, there are only 90 - 60 = 30 people left.

The 1890 servings of rice will now last for 1890 / 30 = 63 days.

So, the amount of rice stored increased by 63 - 21 = 42 days.

Answer: 42 days

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