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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 11
23/11/2023 21:32:49

Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words in capitals

giúp tui với
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
2 The
TUOmplete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words in capitals.
1: Diwali is a popular
2: Many Asian countries
I don't mind applying for such a
Question 6: Do not ask so many questions about politics!
in many Asian countries, known as the Festival of Lights.
significantly to the global economy through their exports.
cuisine is a popular choice in Asian business meetings and events (REGION)
talent pools are crucial for the success of Asian startups. (DEVELOPMENT)
5: Asian countries work to build a
II. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their original meanings.
future together in Asia.(STRENGHTHEN)
Question 1: They have learned about Asian history for 3 years.
They started learning about Arian history 3 years ago
Question 2: It took Tam all his free time to create ideas for his presentation.
Tam spent all his.
time creating
for his presentation
Question 3: It is necessary to know how a volunteer group function.
Knowing how a volunteer group junctions is neece necessary.
Question 4: Binh expected to receive the result of his application for Asian volunteer group.
Binh is looking forward to receiving the result of his application for Asian volunteer &
Question 5: I am happy to apply for such a high demand job like this.
high demad job like this.
D. Thai people
Please stop
Question 7: My friend usually does research on Asian culture in her leisure time.
My friend's hobby
Question 8: I think it is not a good idea to discuss politics in workplace.
It's better to avoid
Question 9: Would you donate for our "For a better Asia" funds, please?
Would you mind
Question 10: Shall we do the presentation tomorrow instead of today?
Shall we postpone
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Ngô Xen
24/11/2023 06:39:26
+5đ tặng
6,Please stop refrain from asking too many political questions
7,My friend's hobby is researching Asian culture in her free time.
8,It's advisable to avoid discussing politics in the workplace.
9, Would you mind donating to our "For a Better Asia" funds, please?
10, Shall we postpone the presentation to tomorrow instead of today?

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