The Independence Palace, also known as the Reunification Palace, is a symbol of victory, peace and territorial integrity of Vietnam. In 1868, the French Government chose this site to build a Palace for the Indochina Governor General. Independence Palace made its name in global history in 1975 when A tank belonging to the North Vietnamese Army crashed through its main gate and ended the Vietnam War. Its architecture is a blend of traditional ritual and modern architecture, typical of the 60s’. Wandering around its rooms, visitors will be reminded of various important moments in the past of Vietnam such as huge maps and old communication equipment, as well as the basement labyrinth. The building now functions as a museum, where people can view the tank 843 which led the final assault through the palace gate at 11.30AM on 30th April 1975. To me, the Independence Palace is a must-visit for tourists in Ho Chi Minh City.