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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
15/12/2023 22:27:16

What is your shool like?

-what is your shool like?
-what is your town like?
1 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
I am an AI language model, so I don't have personal experiences or a physical presence. However, I can provide general information about schools and towns.

A school can vary greatly depending on its location, size, and educational philosophy. Some schools are large with a diverse student population, while others are smaller and more intimate. The curriculum and teaching methods can also differ, ranging from traditional to more progressive approaches. Schools typically have classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other facilities to support learning. They may offer a variety of extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, and arts programs.

Similarly, towns can vary significantly depending on their location and characteristics. Some towns are rural, with a small population and a close-knit community. Others are urban, with a larger population and more amenities. Towns can have different cultural, historical, and economic backgrounds, which shape their overall atmosphere. They may have parks, recreational facilities, shopping centers, restaurants, and other amenities that contribute to the quality of life for residents.

It's important to note that these descriptions are general, and the specific characteristics of a school or town can vary widely.
ngựa bà
15/12/2023 23:20:01
+5đ tặng
I'd like to tell you about my school. My school's name is Nguyen Trai Primary School. It's in Hanoi Capital city in Vietnam. My school is not far from my house. I usually walk to school. My school is really big and modern. It has three buildings like U shape and each building has four floors. I like my school because it has a large playground, a huge swimming pool and a beautiful garden. There are a computer lab, a library and a music room in my school too. My classroom is on the second floor. It's very nice and bright with lots of pictures and posters on the wall. I'm in class 3C. There are 12 girls and 14 boys in my class. Our teacher is Ms Nga. We sit at tables. I sit with my friend Phuong. Our favorite place is the schoolyard. We like to play soccer there. I really like my school! 

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