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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 11
29/12/2023 08:43:24

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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
My family is a small but loving one. We consist of four members - my parents, my younger sister, and myself. We live in a cozy house in a peaceful neighborhood.

My parents are the backbone of our family. They are hardworking and dedicated individuals who always put the needs of our family first. My father works as a manager in a local company, while my mother is a teacher at a nearby school. They both have demanding jobs, but they manage to balance their professional and personal lives effectively.

My younger sister is the apple of everyone's eye. She is a cheerful and energetic girl who always brings laughter and joy to our home. She is currently studying in middle school and excels in both academics and extracurricular activities. We are all proud of her achievements and support her in every way possible.

As for myself, I am a university student pursuing a degree in business administration. I am passionate about entrepreneurship and hope to start my own business someday. My family has always been supportive of my dreams and encourages me to chase after my goals.

We are a close-knit family and enjoy spending quality time together. Whether it's having meals together, going on vacations, or simply watching movies at home, we cherish these moments and create lasting memories. We also value communication and always make an effort to listen and understand each other.

In conclusion, my family is the foundation of my life. They provide me with love, support, and guidance, and I am grateful for their presence. I believe that the bond we share will only grow stronger as we continue to navigate through life's ups and downs together.
Anh Thư
29/12/2023 08:44:38
+5đ tặng
My family is a small family in a rural area. My family has 4 people. That’s my dad, my mom, my sister and me. Because I live in the countryside, my family’s main occupation is farming. My parents will wake up very early to go to the fields. The field is very wide and has many trees. My parents grow a lot of trees. Every day, after going to school I would water those trees. When the harvest comes, I often help my dad. After the harvest, my parents will sell the results we get. The money earned will help my family support a living and help me and my sister go to school. Farming is very tiring but very fun. I watched the trees grow day by day. I love my family’s work.

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Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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bé yêu
29/12/2023 08:45:16
+4đ tặng
Hi everyone, my name is trúc . I will introduce my family to you. Our family has 4 people including my father, my mother, my younger brother and me. My father is an engineer at a construction site near my home. My father is very busy. He usually had to stand outside all day. So he has a tanned skin. However, one day he still spends time playing with me. My mother is a good housewife. Every day I can eat delicious dishes that I cook. Mother takes care of her family very well. Before I go to bed, my mother usually reads me a story. My brother is 10 years old this year. Very good boy. I often play with him in my free time so my mom can do other things. I love my family very much
đỗ My
29/12/2023 10:31:45
+3đ tặng
My family members are all very occupied with their respective schedules, and we only get to spend time together during meal times. This is why my mother puts a lot of effort into preparing our meals, and I often assist her during my free time. Once the food is ready, I call my dad and brother to come and join us at the table. We wish each other a delicious meal before starting to eat. During our mealtime, my dad often shares interesting stories from work, while my mother talks about her latest purchases. My brother and I always laugh and have a great time. Due to his physically demanding job, my dad has a hearty appetite, and I love the meals my mom cooks for us. I aspire to cook as well as my mother one day. After our meal, my mother prepares fresh milk for my brother and me. Though I am not particularly fond of milk, my mother insists that it is good for my health. Despite our simple meals, my family always enjoys a good laugh and our time together is filled with warmth and love. I cherish my family dearly.

Bạn hỏi - Lazi trả lời

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