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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
07/01 10:21:26

Fill in a word

mik cần gấp lắm ạ!!!
IV. Fill in a word
On Mother's Day, sons and daughters visit (..1..) mothers and bring them flowers and little presents. The eldest son must (..2..) his mother a good cake. If sons or daughters cannot be (..3..) their mother on that day, they usually (..4..) her presents. Mother's Day must (..5..) a day of rest for the mother of the family, so her daughters (..6..) the dinner on that day and lay the (..7..) and the sons helps to (..8..) the plates and dishes after dinner. In the United States and Canada, Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May. They have a (..9..) beautiful stamp for Mother's Day in the United States. It shows the portrait of the (..10..) of James Whistler, one of the greatest American painters.
3 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
IV. Fill in a word

On Mother's Day, sons and daughters visit their mothers and bring them flowers and little presents. The eldest son must bake his mother a good cake. If sons or daughters cannot be with their mother on that day, they usually send her presents. Mother's Day must be a day of rest for the mother of the family, so her daughters prepare the dinner on that day and lay the table, and the sons help to clear the plates and dishes after dinner. In the United States and Canada, Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May. They have a very beautiful stamp for Mother's Day in the United States. It shows the portrait of the mother of James Whistler, one of the greatest American painters.
Tr Hải
07/01 10:22:19
+5đ tặng
  1. their
  2. bake
  3. with
  4. send
  5. be
  6. prepare
  7. table
  8. wash
  9. very
  10. mother

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Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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Quang Cường
07/01 10:23:09
+4đ tặng

On Mother's Day, sons and daughters visit their mothers and bring them flowers and little presents. The eldest son must bake his mother a good cake. If sons or daughters cannot be with their mother on that day, they usually send her presents. Mother's Day must be a day of rest for the mother of the family, so her daughters prepare the dinner on that day and lay the table, and the sons help to clear the plates and dishes after dinner. In the United States and Canada, Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May. They have a very beautiful stamp for Mother's Day in the United States. It shows the portrait of the mother of James Whistler, one of the greatest American painters.
Quách Kiều Oanh
07/01 10:26:06
+3đ tặng
1) their 
2) bring
4) give
5) be
8) wash
10) picture

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