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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
02/02 12:50:35

The film was so....that Mrs Brown cried at the end 

gripping         scary         violent         boring         moving         entertaining         confusing         funny         shocking         incredible (giải thích giúp mình luôn ạ)
1. The film was so....that Mrs Brown cried at the end 
2. Tenet is so...that one of the film's stars didn't understand the movie's plot while filming
3. My mother can’t stand war films because they ’re too………………………….
4.It was an action flim , but it was so ……………… that I feel asleep in the middle
5.We laughed all the way through the film. It was so ……………………
6.That thriller was so …………………….I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen for a second
7.Sam always has nightmares after watching ……………………movies
8.The ending of The Sixth Sense was really…………………….It surprised me a lot .
9.The meyerowitz Stories is getting some……………………….reviews and shoulds be one to add to your hand watch list
10.Most historical movies are both educational and……………………………
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1. The film was so moving that Mrs Brown cried at the end.
Explanation: The film had a strong emotional impact on Mrs Brown, causing her to cry.

2. Tenet is so confusing that one of the film's stars didn't understand the movie's plot while filming.
Explanation: The plot of the movie Tenet is complex and difficult to understand, to the point that even one of the actors in the film had trouble comprehending it.

3. My mother can't stand war films because they're too violent.
Explanation: War films often depict graphic and intense scenes of violence, which makes them difficult for some people to watch.

4. It was an action film, but it was so boring that I fell asleep in the middle.
Explanation: Despite being categorized as an action film, the movie lacked excitement or engaging elements, resulting in the viewer becoming bored and even falling asleep.

5. We laughed all the way through the film. It was so funny.
Explanation: The film had a lot of humorous moments that consistently made the viewers laugh throughout its duration.

6. That thriller was so gripping. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen for a second.
Explanation: The thriller movie had a captivating and intense storyline that held the viewer's attention completely, making it impossible to look away from the screen.

7. Sam always has nightmares after watching shocking movies.
Explanation: Sam is prone to experiencing frightening and disturbing dreams after watching movies that contain shocking or terrifying elements.

8. The ending of The Sixth Sense was really incredible. It surprised me a lot.
Explanation: The ending of the movie The Sixth Sense was extremely surprising and unexpected, leaving a strong impression on the viewer.

9. The Meyerowitz Stories is getting some entertaining reviews and should be one to add to your watch list.
Explanation: The movie The Meyerowitz Stories has received positive reviews that highlight its ability to entertain and engage the audience, making it a recommended film to watch.

10. Most historical movies are both educational and gripping.
Explanation: Historical movies often provide educational value by depicting real events or periods in history, while also being captivating and engrossing for the viewers.
Recolest is here
02/02 13:18:38
+5đ tặng
  1. Gripping: This means the film was so captivating and suspenseful that Mrs. Brown couldn't help but be emotionally invested and cry at the end. Think edge-of-your-seat tension.

  2. Confusing: In this case, Tenet was so complex and layered in its plot that even one of the actors filming it struggled to grasp the full story. Imagine needing a flowchart to understand the movie.

  3. Violent: Your mother can't handle war films because they depict graphic and disturbing acts of violence that make her uncomfortable. Think intense fighting, injuries, and bloodshed.

  4. Boring: Despite being an action film, it was so lacking in excitement or engaging elements that you fell asleep mid-movie. Picture predictable plot, bland characters, and slow pacing.

  5. Funny: This film had you and your company in stitches the whole time, with hilarious jokes, witty dialogue, and comedic situations. Think laugh-out-loud moments and slapstick humor.

  6. Thrilling: This thriller kept you glued to the screen because it was suspenseful, exciting, and built tension effectively. Imagine nail-biting moments and unpredictable twists.

  7. Scary: These movies contain elements like jump scares, disturbing imagery, and psychological horror that cause Sam to have nightmares. Think creepy atmospheres, monsters, and unsettling themes.

  8. Shocking: The ending of The Sixth Sense surprised you deeply with an unexpected twist or reveal. Imagine a plot point that turns everything you thought you knew upside down.

  9. Incredible: The Meyerowitz Stories is receiving overwhelmingly positive reviews, suggesting it's exceptional and highly recommended. Think critical acclaim and audience praise.

  10. Entertaining: Most historical movies combine education about the past with engaging stories and elements that make them enjoyable to watch. Think accurate portrayals mixed with compelling narratives.

I hope this helps!

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