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Toán học - Lớp 7
29/03 21:23:05

Correct a mistake

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IV. Correct a mistake
1. Although they spent millions of dollars on the film, it was rather disappointed.
2. A lot of culture activities were held as part of the Flower Festival in Da Lat last year.
3. There are more and many foreign tourists coming to Vietnam to celebrate the lunar New Year.
4. This festival is held every year in the spring in a small village honor the Village God.
5. Mark is quickly at understanding math; he can solve all the questions very quickly.
6. Violent scenes in films may provoke children behave violent.
7. The film is about the sinking of the ship Titanic on their first voyage.
8. Because the class was too noisy, so the teacher couldn't hear Jack's question.
V. Rewrite the following sentences
1. My mother cooks very well. My mother is a.....
2. Mrs. Brown is a more careful driver than Mr. Brown. Mrs. Brown drives.....
3. Dundale has more craft villages than Samire. → Samire.....
4. Nick always cried a lot when he was a little boy. Nick used.....
5. My sister started keeping a diary when she was ten. → My sister has.....
6. We can't do anything unless they give us more information. → Nothing.....
7. It was a long journey to the resort but none of us felt tired. → Although....
8. He behaved badly but the party was a great success. → Despite his.....
9. The kids were amused at the clown's performance. The kids found.....
10. Why don't you give a presentation about a Vietnamese festival? → If I...
3 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
29/03 21:25:17
+5đ tặng
  1. Although they spent millions of dollars on the film, it was rather disappointing.
  2. A lot of cultural activities were held as part of the Flower Festival in Da Lat last year.
  3. More and more foreign tourists are coming to Vietnam to celebrate Tet.
  4. Every year in the spring, this festival is held in a small village to honour the Village God.
  5. Mark is quick at understanding math; he can solve questions very quickly.
  6. Violent scenes in films may provoke children to behave violently.
  7. The movie is about the sinking of the ship Titanic on its maiden voyage.
  8. Because the classroom was too noisy, the teacher could not hear Jack's question.
  1. My mother cooks very well. My mother is an excellent chef.
  2. Mrs. Brown is a more careful driver than Mr. Brown. Mrs. Brown drives safely.
  3. Samire has fewer craft villages than Dundale.
  4. Nick always cried a lot when he was a little boy. Nick used to cry often when he was young.
  5. My sister started keeping a diary when she was ten. Since then my sister has kept a diary.
  6. We can't do anything unless they give us more information. Nothing will happen until we get some extra info.
  7. It was a long journey to the resort, but none of us felt tired. Even though our trip took a while, nobody got tired during it.
  8. He behaved badly, but the party was a great success anyway. In spite of his misbehavior, the party went off without any problems whatsoever.
  9. The kids were amused by the clown's performance. The kids thought the clown's show was funny.
  10. If I had known your friend would join us for dinner today, I would have invited my other friends as well.

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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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Trần Như Phước
29/03 21:25:28
+4đ tặng

IV. Correct a mistake:

  1. Although they spent millions of dollars on the film, it was rather disappointing.
  2. A lot of cultural activities were held as part of the Flower Festival in Da Lat last year.
  3. There are more and more foreign tourists coming to Vietnam to celebrate the lunar New Year.
  4. This festival is held every year in the spring in a small village to honor the Village God.
  5. Mark is quick at understanding math; he can solve all the questions very quickly.
  6. Violent scenes in films may provoke children to behave violently.
  7. The film is about the sinking of the ship Titanic on its first voyage.
  8. Because the class was too noisy, the teacher couldn't hear Jack's question.

V. Rewrite the following sentences:

  1. My mother cooks very well. My mother is a good cook.
  2. Mrs. Brown is a more careful driver than Mr. Brown. Mrs. Brown drives more carefully than Mr. Brown.
  3. Dundale has more craft villages than Samire. Samire has fewer craft villages than Dundale.
  4. Nick always cried a lot when he was a little boy. Nick used to cry a lot when he was a little boy.
  5. My sister started keeping a diary when she was ten. My sister has been keeping a diary since she was ten.
  6. We can't do anything unless they give us more information. Nothing can be done unless they give us more information.
  7. It was a long journey to the resort but none of us felt tired. Although it was a long journey to the resort, none of us felt tired.
  8. He behaved badly but the party was a great success. Despite his bad behavior, the party was a great success.
  9. The kids were amused at the clown's performance. The kids found the clown's performance amusing.
  10. Why don't you give a presentation about a Vietnamese festival? If I were you, I would give a presentation about a Vietnamese festival.

29/03 21:26:07
+3đ tặng
1. Although they spent millions of dollars on the film, it was rather disappointing.
2. A lot of cultural activities were held as part of the Flower Festival in Da Lat last year.
3. There are more and more foreign tourists coming to Vietnam to celebrate the Lunar New Year.
4. This festival is held every year in the spring in a small village to honour the Village God.
5. Mark is quick at understanding math; he can solve all the questions very quickly.
6. Violent scenes in films may provoke children to behave violently.
7. The film is about the sinking of the ship Titanic on its first voyage.
8. Because the class was too noisy, the teacher couldn't hear Jack's question.

1. My mother cooks very well. My mother is a great cook.
2. Mrs. Brown is a more careful driver than Mr. Brown. Mrs. Brown drives more carefully than Mr. Brown.
3.  Samire has fewer craft villages than Dundale.
4. Nick always cried a lot when he was a little boy. Nick used to cry a lot when he was a little boy.
5. My sister has been keeping a diary since she was ten.
6. Nothing can be done unless they give us more information.
7. Although it was a long journey to the resort, none of us felt tired.
8. Despite his bad behaviour, the party was a great success.
9. The kids were amused at the clown's performance. The kids found the clown's performance amusing.
10. If I were to give a presentation, I would choose a Vietnamese festival.

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