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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 10
15/04 20:36:00

Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions

ate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 21: The clearing and burning of forests leads to air.
A. pollute
B. pollution
Question 22: We need to protect the
C. polluted
for the next generation
D. pollutant
B. environment
C. environmental
D. environmentally
serious problem that needs to
C. increase
D. increased
A. environmentalist
Question 23: Environmental pollution is becoming an
be taken care of as soon as possible.
A. increasingly
Question 24:
A. Pollution
B. increasing
is important because plants and animals depend on each other to survive.
C. Gas emissions D. Substances
B. Biodiversity
Question 25: A new series of educational programmes shows the importance of
A. wildlife
B. organization
B. promote
Question 26: If government don't
to humans,
C. hunting
D. issue
global warming, more natural disasters will occur.
C. discourage
D. prevent
A. achieve
Question 27: There are lots of things we can all do to
A. enhance
the environment.
C. make
D. build
to the environment.
D. hurt
Question 28: During the last hundred years, we have done great
B. protect
B. pollution
B. effect
C. damage
A. injury
Question 29: When many animals disappear, this damages the natural
A. protection
Question 30: The work of WWF focuses
B. to
C. ecosystem
balance of
D. weather
the protection of their natural habitats.
C. from
D. in
is mainly caused by pollution and clearing of forests.
D. warming
A. on
Question 31: Global
A. greenhouse
B. rain
Question 32: Many wildlife.
C. threat
will be destroyed if people keep cutting down the forests.
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Phương Mai
15/04 20:36:26
+5đ tặng

Here are the correct answers:

  1. B. pollution
  2. B. environment
  3. A. increasingly
  4. B. Biodiversity
  5. A. wildlife
  6. D. prevent
  7. B. protect
  8. C. damage
  9. C. ecosystem
  10. A. on
  11. A. greenhouse
  12. D. threat

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15/04 20:36:43
+4đ tặng
Question 21: B. pollution
Question 22: B. environment
Question 23: A. increasingly
Question 24: B. Biodiversity
Question 25: A. wildlife
Question 26: D. prevent
Question 27: B. protect
Question 28: C. damage
Question 29: C. ecosystem
Question 30: A. on
Question 31: A. greenhouse

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