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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
19/04 14:29:47

Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence

Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.
Don’t throw old things __________. Try to find another use for them.(preposition)
You should turn the tap __________ when you brush your teeth.
You shouldn’t wrap the food __________ a plastic bag.
Give your old clothes __________ charity.(preposition)
You should swap your clothes __________ your friends or cousins.(preposition)
If the weather is / will be fine, the children walk / will walk to school.
I lend / will lend you my laptop if you promise / will promise to be careful with it.
If they don’t do / won’t do their homework, their teacher punish / will punish them.
Jane gets / will get lost if she doesn’t have / won’t have the town map.
If I see / will see Ken later today, I tell / will tell him to call you.
My mother buys / will buy me a present if I pass / will pass my exams.
If there is / will be no water, all living things die / will die.
You aren’t / won’t be able to sleep if you watch / will watch horror movies.
I ____________ (study) here for more than three years.
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
Don’t throw old things away. Try to find another use for them.
You should turn the tap off when you brush your teeth.
You shouldn’t wrap the food in a plastic bag.
Give your old clothes to charity.
You should swap your clothes with your friends or cousins.
If the weather is fine, the children will walk to school.
I will lend you my laptop if you promise to be careful with it.
If they don’t do their homework, their teacher will punish them.
Jane will get lost if she doesn’t have the town map.
If I see Ken later today, I will tell him to call you.
My mother will buy me a present if I pass my exams.
If there is no water, all living things will die.
You won’t be able to sleep if you watch horror movies.
I have studied here for more than three years.
19/04 14:31:30
+5đ tặng

Don’t throw old things away. Try to find another use for them. (preposition)
You should turn the tap off when you brush your teeth.
You shouldn’t wrap the food in a plastic bag.
Give your old clothes to charity. (preposition)
You should swap your clothes with your friends or cousins. (preposition)
If the weather is fine, the children will walk to school.
I will lend you my laptop if you promise to be careful with it.
If they don’t do their homework, their teacher will punish them.
Jane will get lost if she doesn’t have the town map.
If I see Ken later today, I will tell him to call you.
My mother will buy me a present if I pass my exams.
If there is no water, all living things will die.
You won’t be able to sleep if you watch horror movies.
I have been studying here for more than three years.


Mở khóa để xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời

Bạn đã đạt đến giới hạn của mình. Bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản, bạn có thể xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời
Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
Tôi đã có tài khoản? Đăng nhập
19/04 14:31:33
+4đ tặng

Don’t throw old things away. Try to find another use for them.
You should turn the tap off when you brush your teeth. You shouldn’t wrap the food in a plastic bag.
Give your old clothes to charity.
You should swap your clothes with your friends or cousins.

If the weather is fine, the children will walk to school.
I will lend you my laptop if you promise to be careful with it.
If they don’t do their homework, their teacher will punish them.
Jane will get lost if she doesn’t have the town map. If I see Ken later today, I will tell him to call you.
My mother will buy me a present if I pass my exams. If there is no water, all living things will die.
You won’t be able to sleep if you watch horror movies.

I have been studying here for more than three years.

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