Bài tập  /  Bài đang cần trả lời

Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
20/04 11:05:51

Talk about a way of modern communication

3. Talk about a way of modern communication/ P.111
- What is it? (It is...)
- How will it help you communicate? (It helps us to...)
- What advantages might it have?
- Will it have any disadvantages? If yes, what are they? (They are...)
- Will people use it in the future?
lm hộ mk phần 3 bài speaking
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
20/04 11:21:48
+5đ tặng

A new way to talk to each other nowadays is using apps that let you send messages quickly. These apps, like WhatsApp or Messenger, let you type, talk, or send pictures to friends instantly, even if they're far away.

They're handy because you can chat right away, no matter where you are. You can plan stuff with friends, share cool things you find online, or just say hi to someone you miss.

The best part is, you don't need much to use them—just a phone and internet. Plus, you can talk to lots of people at once in group chats, which is cool for talking to your whole gang together.

But sometimes, these apps can be distracting, like if you're trying to get work done. And some folks worry about privacy because your messages are sent over the internet.

Even with these issues, it's likely that people will keep using these apps a lot in the future. As they get better and easier to use, they'll probably become even more popular for staying connected with friends and family.


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