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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
02/05 23:27:01

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

1.               message is convenient because you don’t have to type text.
A. Text                    B. Voice                   C. Image                               D. thought
1. They use face recognition to       people.
A. identify                B. attack                  C. make                               D. invent
1. The teacher said we          a week off on the occasion of the International Labor Day.
A. will have             B. didn’t have     C. have                               D. would have
2. Tomoko and Kiko said that they        cycling in two days’ time.
A. will go                  B. have gone      C. would go              D. has gone
Recent ............... developments have made robots more user-friendly and intelligent.
A. science
B. scientist
C. scientific
D. scientifically
 Two examples of _____ shops are the florist's and the bakery.
 A. goods                    
 B. convenience          
 C. discount                                    
 D. speciality
 3. Shopping at a shopping centre is _____. It has almost everything you want there.
 A. difficult                 
 B. cheap                     
 C. convenient 
 D. time-consuming
Many people think ______ will replace human translators in the future.
 A. voice messages
 B. translation machines
 C. dictionaries
 D. emojis
 3. Parents should pay due attention to their children's use of ______.
 A. social networking sites
 B. real time
 C. telepathy
 D. holography
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Trợ lý ảo
Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
1. B. Voice
2. A. identify
3. A. will have
4. A. will go
5. C. scientific
6. D. speciality
7. C. convenient
8. B. translation machines
9. A. social networking sites
Tiến Nam Nguyễn
02/05 23:32:19
+5đ tặng
1. A. Text
 2. A. will have
 3. C. scientific
 4. D. speciality
 5. C. convenient
 6. A. translation machines
 7. A. social networking sites


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