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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
08/05 09:19:27

Read the passage and answer the question

Passage 2.Read the passage and answer the question.
Imagine living in a world in which verbal communication is no longer required,a society in
which telepathy is the norm,where people would be able “speak” to each other using only
their thoughts.
Scientists have long been contemplating the possibilities of brain-to-brain communication in
humans,and it appears as though their dreams could becomea reality within the next year or
so.Such as system would be made possible via major advances in the technology that have
been achieved via recent trials involving animals.
Reccently,the research has focused on humans.In one study,researchers placed two people in
separate rooms and gave them the task of playing a game of 20 questions on a computer
using only their minds.They transmitted “yes” or “no” answers with the help of an EGG
cap,which tracked the brain activity of one person and triggered an electrical current in the
other person’s brain.
One day,we could attempt to take it up another level in orderto detect individual thought
processes.These thoughts could be transmitted to another person,influencing the decisions
they make.
1.What would people be able to do with telepathy?
2.What did two people
in separate rooms do in the study?
_____________________________________3.What doess an EGG
cap help people to do?
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
1. People would be able to "speak" to each other using only their thoughts.
2. In the study, two people in separate rooms played a game of 20 questions on a computer using only their minds.
3. An EGG cap helps people track brain activity and trigger an electrical current in another person's brain to transmit "yes" or "no" answers.
Việt Hưng
08/05 09:19:58
+5đ tặng
1. People would be able to communicate with each other using only their thoughts.
2. In the study, two people in separate rooms played a game of 20 questions on a computer using only their minds.
3. An EEG cap helps people to track brain activity and transmit "yes" or "no" answers by triggering an electrical current in the other person's brain.

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