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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 11
10/05 19:33:38

Maybe they had stolen the money. They denied that

1 Maybe they had stolen the money. They denied that.

They denied......


2. I remember...

I reminded you to buy some food. I remember that.


3. The phone had rung and she had answered it. Then she kept on eating.

She just kept on eating after


4. The thief got into the house because I hadn't locked the front door.

I forgot.


5. She felt happy because she had met her best friend again.

She felt happy after...


6. I have said bad words to her. I regret it now.


I regret......


7. He had driven along the road before the accident happened. He remembered it.

He could remember..


8. The boys had broken the window. One of them admitted that.


One of the boys admitted.......


9. I knew that he was a student. I offered to pay his train ticket.

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I offered to pay his train ticket because I knew he was a student.


10. She had finished her homework before going to bed.

She went to bed after...

10/05 19:34:32
+5đ tặng
1. They denied having stolen the money.

2. I remember reminding you to buy some food.

3. She just kept on eating after answering the phone.

4. I forgot to lock the front door.

5. She felt happy after meeting her best friend again.

6. I regret saying bad words to her.

7. He could remember driving along the road before the accident happened.

8. One of the boys admitted to breaking the window.

9. I knew he was a student, so I offered to pay his train ticket.

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