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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
27/05 19:09:49

Fill in the blanks with "who, whom, which, whose, where, when" where necessary

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I. Fill in the blanks with "who, whom, which, whose, where, when" where necessary.
Can you give me back the money
I lent you last month?
we used to eat when we lived in Boston.
This is the restaurant
Mark has sent me an e-mail
I haven't replied yet.
Who's the person
is sitting next to Nancy?
They complained about the wrong goods
were sent to them.
This is Susan
husband works in the sales department.
Candy is wearing a new dress
she bought in the summer sales.
Monday is the day
bills have to be paid.
The secretary showed me the filing cabinet
important documents are filed.
Do you like the boy
Mary is talking to?
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Kim Anh
27/05 19:11:19
+5đ tặng
1. Can you give me back the money which I lent you last month?
2. This is the restaurant where we used to eat when he lived in Boston
3. Mark has sent me an email Which I haven’t replied yet.
4. Who’s the person Who is sitting next to Nancy?
5. They complained about the wrong goods Which were sent to them
6. This is Susan Whose husband works in the sales department
7. Candy is wearing a new dress Which she bought in the summer sales
8. Monday is the day When bills have to be paid
9. The secretary showed me the filing cabinet  Whose important documents are filed
10. Do you the boy Whom Mary is talking to?

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